Mumbai: Love as a concept is ever-evolving, although the inherent emotion of love always remains the same. In terms of themes, love and romance have always been an all-time favourite for this generation. Catering to Gen Z across India, Zing’s Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya (PTKK) is all set to showcase new-age love stories that are filled with friendship, drama & romance that is full of feels. Starting 14th August, every Saturday at 7 pm, PTKK season 12 promises to bring a plethora of challenging & varied love stories to establish a deeper connect with the viewer.
The central idea of this season’s theme has come from the insight that the definition of love has evolved for this generation. Though love & romance is the base of any relationship, but today, more importantly, they look for support & understanding. Gen Z believes in “rising in love” and not just falling in love because everything feels better when your loved one is by your side. Trust and unconditional support are the biggest bonding factors between a couple today. Zing has reflected the same sentiment and has collected many such moments and weaved them together in this series of 15 episodes that beautifully embody the thought of ‘Crazy dil, crazy hum, lage sab easy jab tum ho sang’. When it comes to young love stories, Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya has been showcasing them very successfully since the past 7 years and will continue to do so with every new season.

On the launch of the latest season, Pankaj Balhara, Deputy Business Head, Music cluster, ZEEL said, “It has been a wonderful journey for us with PTKK. The show has hit all the right chords with the viewers from Season 1. We are glad that we have a dedicated audience base who connect deeply with the show. Like every season, even this season we have taken a theme that is very relevant to Gen Z & their relationships today making the content extremely relatable. We are confident that this season, like every other season, will strike a chord with our audience.”
Watch Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya Season 12, starting 14th August, Saturdays at 7 pm only on Zing.