The Magsaysay Award winner and journalist several fellow journalists look up to has been a target for trolls for a while now. That he held his own against the odds was known. His real following will now emerge – it was in the range of 1.3 mn followers on YouTube on day one of promoting the channel, one hears. While that is yet to be verified and the numbers are growing as we speak, what cannot be denied is that he spoke against the inadequacies of the governments before 2014 and after. That is why he was conferred the award. That is why he will remain respected.
1.58 Million Subscriber Now pic.twitter.com/akE9DrVAZx
— Kapil (@kapsology) December 2, 2022
Ravish Kumar on Congress in 2012. pic.twitter.com/oe4qWPdd2v
— Puneet Kumar Singh (@puneetsinghlive) November 30, 2022
'Please tell Manmohan Singh to Watch #Ravish Ki Report'
Reason why many BJP supporters loved his reporting when their party was in opposition. pic.twitter.com/vwDROkTiDO
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) November 30, 2022
Cameroon beat Brazil. Australia, Japan and Korea Republic are through to the knockout stage. Germany was already knocked out. It’s all happening at the FIFA World Cup 2022. Check out the reactions from the team and fans alike to news of the Korean Republic qualifying for the knockout below. Incredible passion on show. The World Cup is truly a celebration of the unrivalled popularity of the beautiful game.
The moment the South Korea team found out they're through to the last 16
Absolute scenes! #FIFAWorldCup #KOR pic.twitter.com/mAWZLGqPPZ
— Fútbol (@El_Futbolesque) December 2, 2022
A lot of interesting content is getting shared around #DisabilityDay. Among those is a video that underlines that ‘Some of us were born to be different’. There is of course the Apple commercial that is getting rave reviews. What this column is most kicked about is the last three Tweets on a permanent ramp for the disabled at Marina Beach. The second longest beach in the world was always our pride. This is reason enough to beam a bit more. Look at the reactions of the folks who are there only because of the ramp. Priceless.
Differently-abled people in Chennai express happiness over the permanent ramp set up in Marina Beach. They say this would enable them to come to the beach much often now and thanks chief minister @mkstalin for making it a reality. #marina #disabledfriendly pic.twitter.com/vMbEITpIz5
— Omjasvin M D (@omjasvinTOI) November 27, 2022
Kudos @chennaicorp @GSBediIAS team
India's first beach ramp for differently abled persons and for senior citizens #Chennai #MarinaBeach https://t.co/gREjKofhYx
— Elango | ایلانگو (@EKadhirvel) November 27, 2022
Beach Is For All – India's First Permanent Ramp For Disabled People Launched At Marina Beach#marinabeach #disablefriendly #chennai #tamilnadu pic.twitter.com/hn8XyP5DF2
— The Logical Indian (@LogicalIndians) November 27, 2022
#Watch | “மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கு பல கனவுகள் இருக்கு.. அதுல ஒன்னு இன்னைக்கு நிறைவேறி இருக்கு”
– சென்னை மெரினாவில் திறக்கப்பட்டுள்ள சிறப்பு பாதை குறித்து மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் நெகிழ்ச்சி#SunNews | #ChennaiMarina | #MarinaBeach | @udhaystalin | @mkstalin pic.twitter.com/lgWyWVyBm9
— Breaking Cinema (@cmovietube83) November 27, 2022
So Alphabet’s Sundar Pichai was awarded the Padma Bhushan. He received it in San Francisco from India’s Ambassador to the US. About time the Google boss was accorded the honour. The memes around the man are proof that he is a worthy winner. Before someone gets all riled up – just kidding. We’re all fans despite our disagreements with Google on a few things.
“India is a part of me and I carry it with me wherever I go," #Google and #Alphabet CEO #SundarPichai has said, as he received the prestigious Padma Bhushan award from the Indian envoy to the U.S.https://t.co/6BdZQS0lnq
— The Hindu (@the_hindu) December 3, 2022
Stop spreading fake news that's not Sundar pichai. How can you forget how Google CEO looks my god !
This is what he looks like https://t.co/JOrsn2RMB6 pic.twitter.com/bDIfRKSBwq— Shar ✭ (@memethirudi) November 26, 2022
#MahsaAmini #IranProtests #IranRevolution
This hurts. No comment.
Cruel! #MinaYaghoubi, 33, from the city of Arak, was arrested on Nov 1, & released on bail yesterday. Her family & friends welcome her home with admiration. “We are all proud of you.”The bruises tell us how she was treated in detention. #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution pic.twitter.com/5TMTSM3bsu
— Omid Memarian (@Omid_M) December 2, 2022
Dec. 2, Zahedan, Sistan-Baluchestan.
“We don’t want a child-murdering regime!”#MahsaAminipic.twitter.com/49Znp1YHR7— 1500tasvir_en (@1500tasvir_en) December 2, 2022
“More than 400 people have been killed in this crackdown since Sep, including at least 60 children…, but this isn’t stopping the Iranian ppl.” @JomanaCNN’s report about the killing of #MehranSammak & an update on the protests. #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #مهران_سماک pic.twitter.com/1RnsFNdEyf
— Omid Memarian (@Omid_M) December 2, 2022