Mumbai: Flickstree, the video platform for publishers powered by Artificial Intelligence, that helps their partner apps and websites make money with videos, is gaining amazing momentum with their video commerce offering ‘+You’. Taking commerce to the next level, +You videos by Flickstree compels the users to buy products & services with the power of great video content & visual storytelling.
Content marketing is on the rise as the buying tendency is reinforced by good, engaging, and aspirational content. Videos have emerged and proven to be the most engaging format of content marketing. Understanding this, coupled with the increasing consumer banner blindness and the plight of the advertisers, +You videos presents a perfect combination of great content and commerce brought together. It is a perfect solution to drive ROI for the advertisers and revenues for the publishers (website and app owners).
Every video has 4-5 unique content subjects about the advertiser and features highly interactive topics with a “Buy Now” button on the video player itself that leads the user to multiple customized landing pages.
With hundreds of global advertisers and thousands of +You video content, each publisher can simply embed these videos on any page on their website or app. Each publisher gets a unique dashboard to track their active campaigns and pay-outs against each campaign. Each video is built with AI-driven feedback, that makes sure that the content is designed to convert eyeballs into sales. With sales generated via the video, the publishers earn 10-20% affiliate commissions. Additionally, for each campaign, publishers get custom video links that can be embedded on their platform, or they can generate a video feed to embed all videos for every campaign.

Speaking about +You Saurabh Singh, CEO – Flickstree says, “We believe that people don’t buy products, people buy stories associated with these products. In today’s fast-paced world, clicks on banner links are counterproductive and bear limited means to increase ROI. With the launch of +You videos, we aim to alter the video commerce space simply by adding the right content. The first in its category, +You videos call for zero tech or content investment, enabling publishers to stream videos on their platform and collaborate with high paying advertisers”.
Used by top publishers globally, who have improved their advertising ROI exponentially, +You videos today is at the cutting edge of video commerce and will dramatically change the landscape of digital content marketing in days to come.