Wunderman Thompson India, in its latest campaign #UnPlasticIndia for The Times of India, brings alive the truth of plastic pollution and its impact on marine animals in the Indian Ocean.
The heart wrenching images were unleashed in an integrated campaign on World Environment Day, 5th of June by The Times of India and continues to ‘raise an alarm’ every day for the next 21 days to raise awareness among Indians about the imperative need to refrain from using single use plastic and join the movement for a plastic free India.
The national campaign is action driven and has activated plastic waste collection centres in coastal areas to ensure immediate action to reach every Indian out there, urging them to take the pledge to eliminate single use plastic.
TOI’s Editorial research reveals that plastic alone is responsible for taking the lives of an estimated 100,000 marine animals each year. A major contributor to this is the thousands of plastic bottles that we keep buying and carelessly discarding each day, that not only trap, choke and kill marine animals but contaminate our environment and harming the eco system for several years to come in the form of micro plastic waste.

Commenting on the campaign, Kaustuv Chatterjee, Brand Director – TOI & Languages, said, “The UN’s focus this year is on plastic pollution and the alarming growth rate of plastic consumption required the largest daily in India to take up this conversation on priority. Reports now show the presence of plastic in our bloodstreams and is being found in babies and breastmilk. We launched TOI #‘UnplasticIndia on World Environment Day, a 21-day nation-wide campaign that urges citizens to sign a petition to stop using single-use plastic. Using the power of educative print editorials supported by thought provoking advertising, our campaign aims to minimize the lakhs of tonnes of plastic entering our lives and our surroundings. Informative short videos on how to replace single use plastic to gigantic beach installations made from plastic collected from the beach, our endeavour is to urge readers to adopt plastic free choices, every day. It is believed that anything done consistently for 21 days can alter habits for life.”

Senthil Kumar, Chief Creative Officer, Wunderman Thompson India, added, “The #unplasticindia campaign unleashes three powerful visuals that simulate the opening of a plastic bottle with human hands but reveal how the very act mercilessly kills marine creatures by suffocating them. The mind-blowing, heart-wrenching, soul-stirring, visual language for the #UnplasticIndia Campaign brings alive the deadly truth of plastic pollution and its impact on marine animals in the Indian Ocean. These images elevate the sheer power of human imagination and are designed to stay with you long after you see them and raise the alarm in your mind, every time you open a plastic bottle. Stay alarmed.”
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