Unilever has revealed the list of 30 Asia-Pacific-based start-ups that will join its Foundry incubator program in Singapore.
Announced at the Millennial 20/20 conference in Singapore, the 30 start-ups from South East Asia and Australia were said to be the most likely to “affect technological and social change in the markets”.
South East Asia is the fastest growing internet market in the world. Combined with the rising middle class and more social consumers, the region is an exciting hotspot for Unilever and for startups. Tapping into this opportunity, the Unilever Foundry is committed to opening doors for early stage companies to achieve success through its Unilever Foundry 30 SEAA platform.
As part of the Unilever Foundry 30 SEAA and the global Unilever Foundry community, startups will have exclusive benefits including access to new briefs from brands under Unilever’s portfolio; mentorship, collaboration and guidance from Unilever’s partners and executives; invitations to key global events; and effective support.

“As we look into scaling our company to attract commercial opportunities with regional brands, joining the Unilever Foundry community has helped us get access to industry contacts,” said Derek Tan, co-founder of Viddsee. “It is an honour for Viddsee to be part of the first Foundry 30 SEAA, and leverage this opportunity to chart our growth further.”
The first Unilever Foundry 30 SEAA is as follows, each chosen in one of five areas identified by Unilever as future areas of innovation (retail; media and advertising; brand and content innovation; data, insights and personalization; and sustainability and social impact).
The Foundry 30 start-up are as follows:
billionBricks (SG)
Crazy S.O.B (IL)
DÄV – Digital Avatar (ID)
emporio analytics Pte. Ltd. (SG)
FOMO Pay Pte. Ltd. (SG)
Genero (AU)
GetCraft (ID)
HappiPte Ltd (SG)
jumper.ai (SG)
Kobe Global Technologies Pte Ltd (SG)
LoopMe (UK)
Moving Walls (MY)
Narratrs (SG)
Neuro Flash (DE)
Picasso Labs (US)
POPxo (IN)
Shippit (AU)
Shopback Singapore (SG)
Silot (SG)
Sticheo (SG)
Taptopick (ID)
TaskSpotting (SG)
Try and Review Pte Ltd (SG)
UShift (SG)
Vaniday Singapore PteLte (SG)
Viddsee (SG)
ViSenze (SG)
WootagPte Ltd (SG)