Mumbai: Head Digital Works’ flagship online rummy brand A23 (erstwhile ace2three) has recently undergone a visual and experiential makeover of its product to suggest their premium offering, along with the release of its new campaign with new positioning – ‘Rummy. Well Played.’
The campaign invites seasoned passionate players to the premium destination of online rummy by celebrating their core traits. Each of the films exemplify these traits through not-so-usual, light-hearted moments in our life.
The campaign will have a media burst of four TV spots across all the major television channels. The media-mix also includes strong regional coverage through language edits for north, west and east regions of the country. The campaign will also be viewed across leading OTT platforms and YouTube, and further pushed through appropriate messaging on social media platforms. A23 can be downloaded on

Speaking about the exercise, Deepak Gullapalli, Founder & CEO, Head Digital Works said, “A23 is the pioneer in online skill-based gaming in India and is the 1st online rummy platform. We are passionate about creating a premium rummy experience and pride ourselves about implementing responsible gaming standards for the customer with high security and integrity. Carrying the passion of being a premium online rummy gaming platform forward, in a cluttered market, we have revamped the design and user experience to stand out and be the most preferred premium destination. The ‘Rummy. Well played’ campaign aims to attract the passionate rummy players who are looking for a premium platform to fully explore their gaming skills and truly enjoy the experience.”

Shriram Iyer, Chief Creative and Content Officer, Tilt Brand Solutions adds, “While investigating and studying the category, we discovered that the online rummy category had over time become quite cluttered and had reduced itself to an undifferentiated and transactional category. In the bargain, the true essence of playing rummy, which entails professionalism, quality, responsible gaming, etc. had been somewhere compromised and missed by the passionate players. There was a gap as also an immediate need to shift the focus from the game to the players. Players for whom it’s not just a game, but a serious passion. They are serious about the game and its rules, and want to play with the best players. And with A23’s significant visual and experiential makeover too, we were clear that A23 had to be a premium destination for world-class players to play their best moves.”
The link to the films are appended here: