Mumbai: Taproot Dentsu, the creative agency from Dentsu Aegis Network, aims to acquire new shoppers and customers to the site and get them to try Expedia.
The storyboard captures a young couple on a beach where the girl persuades the guy to enjoy the waves. The guy is initially apprehensive, but once he gives in, he actually enjoys the experience, happy to overcome his fear.
The second advertisement opens with a college re-union party at a resort where everyone is dancing and enjoying. However, one of the members who is shy of dancing, is standing in a corner. His friends notice this and signal him to join, feeling reluctant, he indicates that he is fine. But the women prompt him more and pull him in. At first, his friends help him with the moves, and slowly he gains confidence and picks up the dance, and starts enjoying.

Titus Upputuru, Creative Head, Taproot Dentsu, Gurgaon says, “Unless we try something, we will never know. This is the key insight we developed into a campaign where the protagonists try out things that they’ve never tried before. As a result, they end up discovering experiences that they thoroughly enjoy! Not only that, once ‘bitten’ by the experience, the protagonists don’t want to stop. We hope new consumers try and find to their delight and surprise, exciting experiences!”

Speaking about the campaign Manmeet Ahluwalia, Marketing Head, Expedia India said, “The brief given to the agency was to showcase and address trepidation, hesitancy, and state of inertia that keeps consumers away from trying something new in life and the associated surprise, joy and contentment of that new experience. Our aim with this campaign is to encourage new users to visit and experience Expedia and generate awareness amongst the consumers about our Zero Booking fee on flights and Free cancellation on hotels, in order to help the consumers save money and ensure a pleasant experience while managing their travel. At Expedia, with global footprint in 33 countries across the world, we understand our consumers travel needs and they can access a wide range of choices across Hotels in 30,000 cities across 200 countries and territories with options like Pay later @hotel. Expedia is offering amazing deals that seem too good to be true where-in the consumers may get one night’s stay at hotel for free, when booking flight & hotel together- hence christened as ‘Unreal Deals’. Travelers also have the option of booking from 25K+ holiday activities online for international destinations. We feel we are in the unique position to provide our customers with innovative solutions, with our worldwide network and reach.”