Digital pet care startup, Supertails has released a new film as a part of their Diwali campaign. The film is shot from the point of view of a dog, whose parent is preoccupied with preparing for the festivities at home and is not able to give the pet attention. The film brings to light the perspective of a dog who’s grappling with the newness of festivities in her surroundings.
Too often in the middle of rituals, parties, decorations, and guests, our pets tend to get overwhelmed by the newness of stimuli within their homes. There are new colours, new smells, new people that make them feel confused. At one instance in the film, we hear a loud bang that can only be from a firecracker in the locality that scares the pet. All while their source of support, the pet parent has a lot to do. The pet care startup, in the narrative, reminds pet parents to check if their pets are feeling excluded in the days that lead up to Diwali and to discover new ways of designing their celebrations around their pets.
Pets can be children, siblings, or buddies for young people. However, one likes to label this relationship, pets deserve the Diwali gifts too. And so, Supertails has launched the pet Diwali box on their website, Curated with the highest quality products from a range of petcare brands for both dogs and cats, pet parents or friends of pet parents can get the box as a thoughtful and useful gift for their pets.

“Diwali is a beautifully busy time for us all. The season is changing, we’re meeting guests almost every day, the home transforms, and there’s just so much to do, especially for young pet parents, you’d see that our guy in the film is super happy with his millennial rangoli. It’s natural for pet parents to get busy, but there are ways of including them in our festivities, and we’re very happy to enable pet parents to include their pets in their celebrations”, says Varun Sadana, Co-founder at Supertails.
While we look for the most appropriate gifts for our friends and family, Supertails encourages people to not forget getting gifts for pets to make Diwali complete for the whole family.
Supertails is a digital pet care startup, a first-of-its-kind platform that provides trustworthy veterinary care, online dog training, and a one-stop solution for pet food and supplies. The startup stands for holistic pet care and of nurturing healthy pet families for young people. This is the 4-month-oldstartup’s second film campaign. To get the Supertails Diwali gift box for your pet, visit