New Delhi : HONOR, a leading smartphone e-brand announced the appointment of Mullen Lintas as its creative agency. The agency won the creative mandate for HONOR following a multi-agency pitch held in New Delhi recently. The agency will errand conceptualizing and developing innovative communication strategy to support HONOR’s long term vision of providing best quality products for the young dynamic target audience.
Mullen Lintas will be in charge of the creative responsibilities, managing campaign deployment and ante with HONOR’s brand-building efforts.

On naming Mullen Lintas as its creative agency, Suhail Tariq, CMO, HONOR India said, “We are delighted to appoint Mullen Lintas for HONOR’s creative mandate for all our brand and product related campaigns. With our robust long-term strategy for India in place, HONOR is set to grow rapidly. We intend to roll out high impact campaigns for our young audience who are constantly looking for innovative and exciting campaigns, which is in line our creative agency’s philosophy. We look forward to some great work in the future.”

India is one the few large markets in the world where smartphone sales are showing healthy growth rates. While smartphone penetration is growing, there is also a growing replacement market where people are buying their second or third device are becoming more discerning in their choices.
Speaking of the new business win, Vikas Mehta, CEO – Mullen Lintas said, “Mobile devices is one of the fastest evolving categories in the market today, where product life-cycles can be counted in quarters. The rapid pace of innovation has made mobile phones a category where some players believe the product is their brand. It was refreshing to see the team @HONOR’s belief in brand-building. HONOR’s upcoming products are exciting and their ambition for India, inspiring. We are delighted to partner with them in this journey.”