Livguard Energy has launched a digital campaign for sinewave technology inverters that remain silent during power cuts. The campaign focuses on the daily struggles of the Indian middle class, which is precisely the target group for the prominent energy storage company.
This film conceptualised by Social Beat Films is largely relatable to all parents who have struggled to put their children to sleep, especially in the hot summers in North India. It emphasizes the problems that people face with ‘not-so-efficient’ inverters that may be unreliable, unstable, and loud.
In this humorous video campaign, the father and the mother put their child to sleep and are relieved to see their child sleep. They both look happy to have succeeded in this strenuous task, but little did they know of the lurking power cut. The moment the power goes out, the fan turns on, making a creaky noise, thanks to the ordinary inverter. They both know what’s going to happen next. As soon as they hear the child cry, the wife gets angry and leaves the room, leaving the husband in charge of the task. If only he had installed Livguard’s latest sinewave technology-powered inverter, things would have been so much better for him.

Vikas Chawla, Co-Founder of Social Beat said, “The film hit the right chord with the target audience, as it reached 1 million+ people on YouTube and more than 6.5 million on Instagram. Once again, Social Beat Films has successfully helped its clients achieve their marketing objectives.”.
Ashish Sahani, Digital Head at Livguard Energy said, “Our campaign resonated with young parents, blending humor and addressing everyday challenges. Its success was evident in the heightened engagement and positive response from our target audience during the festive season..”
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