Mumbai : Shoppers Stop, is all set to celebrate Durga Puja with popular Bengali actor Darshana Banik in their new digital campaign. The film encapsulates a whole-hearted celebration of the pujo season. It’s that time of the year when West Bengal turns into one grand carnival. With things back to normal after almost 2 years, this year Durga Puja is the most awaited festival. Intricately woven into the cultural fabric of West Bengal, the festivities spread cheer across, turning cities into a dreamland of joy and celebrations. This spirit of the celebration is beautifully captured in Shoppers Stop’s Poojo campaign.
The campaign is based on a cultural insight of the Durga Puja festival, but with a twist. The 5 days of Pujo ends with an emotional farewell chant of ‘Aasche bochhor aabar hobe’ which means ‘We will celebrate the Durga Pujo again next year’. The film gives a twist to the farewell phrase, signalling the exciting arrival for a change. A new meaning to ‘Aasche bochhor’ has been given in the film to welcome Ma Durga’s arrival this year through the idea ‘Aasche bochhor aasche ghure, chalo shaaji notun kore’ – which means ‘The next year you were looking forward to is now here, lets get ready for the celebration’.
While preparing for Pujo, the film’s protagonist Darshana Banik, is seen lost in thoughts of Ma Durga returning to every home. She reminisces the smell of flowers, catching up with friends, the dhaks and more, when she realises that the most awaited time is already here. The film beautifully captures the traditions and the celebrations in a mesmerising way.

Speaking on the campaign, Shwetal Basu, Customer Care Associate and Chief of Marketing & Communication at Shoppers Stop said, “It’s the time of the year that brings everyone together. Durga Puja is not just a festival but also a celebration of art, heritage and homecoming. After two years, everyone will be celebrating the festival with limited fear or restriction. Our film takes you through the journey of this celebration. It reminds you of the moments and simple rituals that you look forward to every year. ‘Aasche bochhor aasche ghure, chalo shaaji notun kore’”.
The digital campaign has been rolled out across Shoppers Stop’s social media handles, YouTube channel, theaters and multiple digital platforms. Additionally, the campaign is amplified across the city via OOH, Mall setups and more.