New Delhi: Republic TV has earned a Big Final Victory against Congress leader Shahsi Tharoor as the Delhi High Court on Friday refused to stopArnabGoswami and channel Republic TV from airing news about the death of ShashiTharoor’s wife Sunanda Pushkar.
In a 61 page order, the Delhi High court has stated Republic has the Right to air stories and there can be no absolute restraint on India’s most watched TV channel. It may be noted that the Court has refused to issues a gag order against Republic TV during the initial phase of the case.
In its landmark verdict that stands in favour of Freedom of Press, the court has discussed law from all over the world. It’s has also observed that there is prima facie material that there was also some provocation from Tharoor too.
Court has said at the state of Criminal Investigation media should be circumspect in airing News and the High court also added that Republic had given a Statement assuring hat they would lower the rhetoric and are bound by it.

VikasKhanchandani, CEO, Republic TV on the landmark win says ‘Freedom of press is the great bulwark of democracy and this judgment is a big win for Republic and all free media’
The High Court in-fact stated whenever Republic does a story on the case they can communicate the same to Tharoor for his comments. if he doesn’t reply within a reasonable time; he has the right to silence. It may be noted that the issues started when ShahiTharoor was shying away from Republic TV reporters that subsequently resulted in manhandling of the journos by Tharoor’s men.
Earlier, Tharoor had filed a defamation case against the Arnab Goswami on 26th May after Republic TV had aired an investigation Campaign on Pushkar’s case.