Chennai: Tamil News and Current affairs platform Puthiyathalaimurai has been the biggest gainers in this election in 2019, be it extensive coverage of news all over India or Tamil Nadu the Channel has remained in forefront.
Its simple analysis and technically advanced and detailed analysis seem to have caught up with the viewers’ attention and have rated them No.1 on counting day of Elections 2019.

Fourth Dimension Media Solutions, CEO, Mr. Shankar adds “What excites us even more is that the digital assets of PT I’m told even overtook some National behemoths across India, the digital assets be it FB, Twitter or YT was miles and miles ahead of news channels in TN and South India. It’s clearly evident that qualitative and quantitatively Puthiyathalaimurai News stands tall, we sincerely thank all our viewers for this spectacular achievement.”

Puthiyathalaimurai, Managing Editor – S Karthigai chelvan says the digital medium has seen huge growth in terms of viewership for Tamil News channels. “Even as the digital medium is growing rapidly and accessed by many youngsters…. PT digital platform is far ahead of other news channels in Tamil and even among English news channels. When election result trends were available since morning on May 23 more than 1.5 lakh concurrent viewers watched PT YouTube page.”
He added that comparing to PT’s digital viewership, the nearest competing news channel in TN had only around 60K viewers. In fact, PT viewership is higher than the cumulative viewership of 4 other news channels.
Similarly, PT Youtube channel has garnered four times viewership than prominent English news channels.As of now PT has more than 3 million subscribers in YouTube and followers in Facebook.
According to BARC data puthiyathalaimurai TV has highest points on counting day in Chennai. ” We were ahead of other channels on counting day in many parameters. People watched PT for credible and fast updates. Our result templates and animations of political leaders got huge appreciation” karthigai chelvan added.