Chennai: The leader in Tamil Current affairs and Infotainment space, Puthiyathalaimurai TV, has successfully completed six year of operation and today, it is stepping in to its 7th year. The Channel was launch in August 2011 and it has ascended to top spot in the Tamil News space in matter of six weeks.
Despite competition emerging from major broadcast and news media networks, Puthiyathalaimurai TV held its forte unshaken for all these years.
Puthiyathalaimurai TV could lead the market for all these years purely with its unmatchable quality standards in news dissemination. It also emerged as a trend setter in many aspects and stood as a responsible media entity that gives back to the society through empowerment of needy segments and acknowledgement of talents in various walks of life with its award properties like Tamizlan Award, Innovation Awards and Sakthi Awards for the empowerment of women achievers.

Speaking on their spectacular journey, RBU Shyam Kumar – CEO of New Gen Media said, “On this most promising day, I wish to reiterate that Good is the enemy of Great. So the message that I wish to convey my colleagues and teams across the network is that we have challenging times ahead and call the attention of everyone to gear up to move forward from being Good to the position of a Greatest News Media Network”
“Search within and distinguish themselves.Concentrate on what not to do..and move from chaos to concept, that’s exactly we as a brand should do, as an individual should do and as a Medium should do with out hanging on our laurels as even Usain Bolt lost it, so on behalf of the Group echo the importance of transforming from Good to Great to meet the challenging times ahead” added Shyam.

Speaking on the commercial growth aspect of the channel, Shankar Bala – the CEO of Fourth Dimension Media Solutions said, the channel was launched on the premise of quality. When the principle was set on quality automatically it shows results on the quantitative aspects and the channel became No. 1 in very short span of launch.
We managed to establish connect with all sections of society through our innovative programs and award properties through which we were able to add value to our advertisers also. Moreover, our channel is clean and clutter free in terms of advertising options that assures better recall value.
We are proud to say that we are very ethical in disseminating news without being greedy in making money out of Breaking News. Infact we went on extend non-stop ad-free coverage for 72 hours during the Jallikattu agitations happened last year. On the other hand we commanded the highest ad rates of Rs 25000 per 10 sec during the election results in May 2016, which is unachievable for even a national news channel.
Presently, we are working with as many as 200 brands from National and Regional markets who are extremely happy to associate with us due to the value that we have extended. I look forward to scale new heights in the coming days and association between Fourth Dimension and Puthiyathalaimurai has been always a win-win”

Speaking on the content side of the channel – Karthigai Selvan, the Managing Editor of Puthiyathalaimurai TV said, “The Credibility of the channel in voicing the plight of Common man in day to day life and during the crises situations keeps us emotionally connected with the audience as a promising News broadcasting platform despite the existence of so-many channels in the market.
We have voiced for the voiceless during the crisis situations like Floods, farmers suicide, draught situation in the state etc..and that is the reason why #PT7thyear is trending in twitter today.
On programing front our Primetime debate show Nerpada Pesu commands excellent viewership. We are the only News channel offering Breakfast show and Puthu Puthu Arthangal is doing extremely well in this segment. In totality the channel assures space for everyone that attracts viewers of all ages.Our new addition in afternoon “Kala Aaivu” offers instant impact to the various issues and offers immediate solution by engaging with the government authorities and minsters.
Due to our extensive coverage during the Jallikattu issue and Jaya’s funeral, we managed to pull in reasonable volume of female audience sampling our platform and since then we have been witnessing steady rise in female viewership in prime time also.
We also managed to attract Younger audience through regular updates in our digital platform as we have more than three million followers in Facebook and huge volume of subscribers in YouTube also. The satirical show Kitchen Cabinet presented in unique way also attracts younger audience.
Our new additions like Speed News has brought in new set of audience sampling the channel and our connect with Rural audience is very strong due to farmers oriented show and Agricultural inputs”.