PAD Group, an integrated communications agency, which runs creative, digital and productions services for brands, announced the launch of its branded content venture, Hotcult.
Hotcult aims to cultivate culture to produce distinctive human experiences that have a long-lasting influence on behaviour by focusing on culture, consumption, and commerce; its proprietary concept – is ‘Connecting Loculturally’. The company is headquartered in Mumbai with offices in Hyderabad and Bangalore.
An official statement from the agency read, “Hotcult will be positioned as a GLOCUL and LOCUL solutions provider, catering to a diverse country like India, i.e. Bharat, with a deeper understanding and expertise of the cultural landscape. Whether it’s through TVCs, short or long-format videos, immersive digital experiences, or authentic influencer collaborations, Hotcult shall enable brands to not just relate but resonate with their target audiences, driving engagement, loyalty, and business growth.”

Gautam Reddy, Founder and CEO of PAD Group, commented on the launch, said, “When it comes to advertising, the one-size-fits-all strategy is slipping to the side-lines. The idea now is to think locally and culturally to ensure that any communication is current and timeless. The changing landscape is testament to the fact that culture and authentic representation is of utmost importance. Trends and countertrends may come and go, but culture always finds a new shape and form to prevail. Hotcult’s expertise lies in bringing out these hidden gems and fusing them with brand strategy in a very symbiotic manner, to create campaigns of great impact.”
Hotcult will be creatively led by Rupesh Kashyap, the writer behind “Swami-Savithri” ad film made for Green Plywood in 2005, which became the inspiration for the recently released Malayalam movie “Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam.” In his previous role, he assisted Aha with rebranding and drove the development of the premium service Aha Gold.
Elaborating on this, Kashyap, Chief Content Officer, said, “Hotcult, as the name implies, is focused on making brands HOT with culturally nuanced stories. Hotcult will fill a critical gap in the market for creative services of an agency that understands the pulse of BHARAT. While the majority of national brands only talk about connecting locally through LANGUAGE, we take a true hyper-local approach with CULTURE, highlighting how ‘culture drives consumption’ and ‘belief drives behaviour’. The idea is to connect with the audience LOCULTURALLY – whether through retail experiences, product experiences, content or any other brand experience medium.”