MullenLowe Lintas Group has launched an advocacy campaign with ‘Differences Make Us Who We Are’, a diversity and inclusivity statement that is part of a larger initiative focusing on gender identity, sexual orientation, LGBTQIA+ definitions and inclusive language. The Group has outlined policies and practices which are inclusive of the LGBTQIA+ community in line with MullenLowe Group and IPG’s global guidelines.

Expressing his views about equality and inclusivity, Virat Tandon, Group CEO, MullenLowe Lintas Group, said, “The Pride month is a way to spotlight the importance of diversity and help create much-needed awareness of and sensitisation around this subject, not just in our organisation, but also in our circle of influence. We’ve reaffirmed our commitment to provide a work environment conducive for all and to help include the LGBTQIA+ community through ongoing conversations, workshops, and relevant work. Encouraging diversity enriches our organisation and makes us all better at what we do.”
MullenLowe Lintas Group has rolled out programs celebrating Pride Month, educating its employees about various aspects of inclusiveness and the importance of LGBTQIA+ inclusivity. Kickstarting the Pride Month is a film collaboration between Mullen Lintas and Chrome pictures.

Azazul Haque, CCO, Mullen Lintas chipped in to script an emotional and hard-hitting film for Phool Versha Foundation produced by Chrome Pictures. The film puts a spotlight on the foundation which is quietly helping the ones in need during this humanitarian crisis. The foundation is doing its bit even for those who have been left out – the Transgender Community. Transgenders in India don’t have any source of income during the national lockdown as they depend on their daily ‘Bakshish’ (money in exchange for blessings) for their livelihood. The bigger problem is there are no official statistics of millions of transgenders in India. As a result, aid is not reaching them. Phool Versha Foundation is going to their colonies and making sure they get enough food and aid to survive the lockdown and the pandemic. In these testing times, while humanity has thought of everyone who’s suffering, these people have been forgotten. The film is a plea by the transgender community to include them. And what better month to start this conversation than June, the Pride Month.

Talking about encouraging and fostering an environment for inclusivity, Heather Gupta, Group HR Director, MullenLowe Lintas Group, said “We already have a clear commitment to equality for all, and we work hard to ensure a supportive and harassment-free environment for our employees. However, we can do more, and our conversations with activists and members of the LGBTQIA+ community this PRIDE month have helped bring real awareness of some of the areas in which we can do better.”
Over the course of the Pride Month (June), the Group will undertake a number of activities to raise awareness around the issues revolving around the LGBTQIA+ community, ranging from panel discussions to artsy rainbow challenges on social media and from emotional stories of personal struggle to touching stories of acceptance.
Film URL:
They are counting on us.Let’s count them in..Footage courtesy: A documentary Film “Nirvana” Directed by Jess Kohl and Produced by Pretty Bird Pic for NowNess..To donate, click on the link Sharma #NessWadia Garima Arora Kanika Dhillon #RavindernathSharmaPhool Versha Foundation NamMyoho Daan Kineer Services Pvt Ltd #LaxmiNarayanTripathi MullenLowe Lintas Group #AmerJaleel #AzazulHaque #PhoolVershaFoundation #NamMyohoDaan #FeedTheHungry #EveryLittleHelps #LookAfterEachOther #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Charity #Donations #DonateNow #MakeADifference #IndiaFightsCorona #CoronaDonations #Hungry #FeedTheDailyWager #FeedTheNeedy #InThisTogether #NonProfitOrganization #Mumbai #LGBT #PrideDay #LGBTCommunity
Phool Versha Foundation ಅವರಿಂದ ಈ ದಿನದಂದು ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಭಾನುವಾರ, ಮೇ 31, 2020