Mumbai: Media Research Users Council India (MRUC India), today, announces the release of the last and final quarter – Q4 of IRS 2019. IRS 2019Q4 is a rolling average of four quarters of IRS 2019 data i.e. Q1+Q2+Q3 and Q4 2019, the fieldwork (Q4) of which covers from December 2019 through March 2020. The sample size of IRS 2019 is 3.27L Households across India out of which urban sample size is 2.14L Households and rural is 1.13L Households. IRS 2019Q4 is the full year report covering four quarters of a continuous and uninterrupted IRS 2019 fieldwork.
Media landscape is rapidly evolving with multi-media adoption seen across consumer strata. Overall Media reach continues to grow even as the consumption of each media remains more or less stable, with internet making a noteworthy exception by leading this growth curve, particularly in rural India. Among other highlights from IRS 2019Q4 data – Electrification in India has surged, premium durable ownership in households have increased and so has individual’s online shopping and smart phone ownership across both urban and rural India.

Mr Pratap Pawar, Chairman of MRUC India and Chairman of Sakal Media said, “We have successfully completed and released all four quarters of IRS 2019 data. I thank our Board of Governors and IRS Technical Committee for their unwavering commitment and their resolve in providing the industry with a robust, reliable and timely research study.”

Mr Vikram Sakhuja, IRS Technical Committee Chairman and Group CEO Madison Media & OOH, Madison World said, “With 4 Quarters of 2019 data now complete we are reporting a complete year’s picture. Earlier quarters had also included some part of 2017 data. A few trends are emerging. Internet penetration has increased substantially and is now mainstream along with TV and Print; NCCS D&E are reducing quarter on quarter faster than HH socio economic status thereby suggesting the need to Relook at the NCCS definition; ability to read and understand English has increased and while overall Print Readership is holding, daily readership has started showing signs of decline.”