Mumbai: Mother Dairy Ice Creams along with Wavemaker and RED FM have conceptualized and executed the brand’s latest campaign for Rocket ice cream chocolate in association with Red FM.. RED FM RJs interacted with Neila, the alien brand mascot of Mother Dairy’s Rocket Ice Cream chocolate and invited the listeners to share their pictures with the newly launched product on the social media with the hashtag #RockItWithRocketto win hampers. Hosted on RED FM’s on-air and digital platforms this innovative campaign showcased alien invasion at RED FM studios.
Speaking on the initiative, Mother Dairy spokesperson said, “It has been our constant endeavor to introduce enticing ice cream flavors to our consumers to keep them delighted throughout. This year has been no different with the launch of a unique Ice Cream Chocolates category under the new brand Rocket. To engage and excite the imagination of young target audience our creative partner Ogilvy has created an awkwardly cute and adorable intergalactic alien-Neila as the brand mascot. Here is a fun piece of Neila trivia, the name Neila isn’t just derived from the alien’s color as referred to the color Blue in Hindi, but it is also the word ALIEN spelt in reverse – NEILA.”
He further added, “As part of our consumer engagement initiative, we have launched a fun campaign #RockItWithRocket on social media and have also associated with Red FM to strengthen Neila’s connect with the consumers. The campaign is duly building up the momentum by engaging consumers from all spheres and we are confident that our consumers will find our new range truly exciting and delightful.”

Commenting on the campaign, Karthik Nagarajan, Chief Content Officer, Wavemaker India said, “Our work is only as innovative as our clients and partners. Adaptive marketing is all about brands understanding popular culture and becoming a part of it seamlessly. Neila is a playfully innovative way of using meme marketing to cut through the clutter and making the brand endearing to the customer. Mother Dairy has always been supportive of contemporary campaigns that drove us to design this fun campaign along with our partner Red FM”.

Commenting on the association, Ms. Nisha Narayanan, Director and COO, RED FM and Magic FM, said, “An innovative product needs an innovative campaign and we are happy to be associated with Mother Dairy for the launch of Rocket, Ice Cream Chocolate. The thought behind this campaign was to create more conversations and playfulness around the newly launched product by Mother Dairy.”
The branded memes went viral in the campaign, as they were organically picked up by the meme pages.
Check out the video with RED FMs RJ Raunac with Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate:
Raunac ki life mein dekho kaun laaya Raunak….
Neela space se aa ke Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate kha ke gaya… toh Red FM RJs kaise peeche rehete. You also can win an amazing Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate hamper. Just grab a pack of Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate and post a picture with it using #RockItWithRocket, Mother Dairy Ice Creams Red FM
Red FM ಅವರಿಂದ ಈ ದಿನದಂದು ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಬುಧವಾರ, ಜುಲೈ 15, 2020
Kadak Aashish ki life ka Sabse Kadak moment
Neela space se aa ke Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate kha ke gaya… toh Red FM RJs kaise peeche rehete. You also can win an amazing Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate hamper. Just grab a pack of Mother Dairy Rocket Ice Cream Chocolate and post a picture with it using #RockItWithRocket Mother Dairy Ice Creams Red FM DL 935
Red FM ಅವರಿಂದ ಈ ದಿನದಂದು ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಬುಧವಾರ, ಜುಲೈ 15, 2020