Mumbai: Mindshare, part of WPP, has developedANNA, the global media agency world’s first programmable approach to DSP and DCO control and is launching the offering with partners AppNexus and Jivox.
ANNA is a combination of people, process and technology that creates code that programs DSPs and DCOs as opposed to humans manually configuring them and moves Mindshare clients from the era of ‘programmatic’ media into an era of ‘programmable’ media.
In practical terms a media planner that would have previously set up tens of targeting strategies per campaign through a web based DSP interface – setting variables such as audience types, bids, locations, times and contextual settings – can now use ANNA to create code that configures millions of buying strategies instantly. ANNA is built on top of AppNexus’ programmable platform to achieve this.
At the same time ANNA also automates the loading of creative rules into the DCO system – which ties high definition media targeting to the precise andrelevant creative served dynamically, in real time, to individual consumers across all devices and channels at unprecedented scale.
ANNA has been integrated into the Jivox IQ Personalized Digital Marketing platform to leverage the Jivox Programmable Personalization™ APIs ( allowing Mindshare FAST to program the Jivox IQ decisioning engine and machine learning algorithms through ANNA.

Adam Ray, Global Chief Innovation Officer at Mindshare FAST, said: ‘This one change from human-based DSP/DCO configuration to an integrated code-based DSP/DCO configurationwill have profound implications for the industry. What’s beautiful about ANNA is not only the automation of the legwork associated with campaign configuration through the DSP/DCO but also that it enables new levels of complexity to be easily included in the design of both the media and creative elements of the campaign – something previously out of reach of manual configuration. This in turn leads to new and significant opportunities in how clients choose to communicate with their audiences and frees up the human element to spend more time ‘upstream’ with the data, uncovering insights, turning these into strategic actions and providing the rules that can be re-coded through ANNA directly back into both the DSP and DCO technology at the same time.The introduction of the AppNexus Programmable Bidder and the Jivox DCO decision engine allows ANNA to deliver unprecedented scale globally for our clients.

“At AppNexus, we focus on delivering a powerful, programmable platform on which our clients can developunique solutions that drive real world results,” said Bobby Mohr, Senior Director, Global Accounts, AppNexus. “ANNA is a great example of this, and we are excited to support Mindshare as they leverage the AppNexus Programmable Bidder to deliver truly differentiated solutions for marketers.”

Diaz Nesamoney, Chairman and CEO of Jivox said: “ANNA is a significant win for brands and media teams. The integration between Mindshare FAST’s media approach and Jivox’s API will help streamline targeting and significantly improve messaging relevance via personalization, while providing brands with high quality creative. Brands that leverage ANNA will quickly see meaningful increases in campaign performance and workflow efficiencies.”
ANNA has also been developed to seamlessly integrate with GroupM’s mPlatform and Mindshare global clients joining the ANNA beta programme will be the first to benefit.
Mindshare, AppNexus and Jivox will be showcasing the new service at DMEXCO to key clients.
Notes to editors:
- Mindshare FAST, Mindshare’s integrated performance unit, has developed ANNA to enable clients to run near limitless integrated targeting and creative strategies through AppNexus (DSP) and Jivox (DCO)
- ANNA is a combination of people, process and technology that creates code to program DSPs and DCOs
- ANNA moves Mindshare clients from the era of ‘programmatic’ media into an era of ‘programmable’ media by providing greater targeting, efficiency and optimisation over human controlled management of DSP and DCO technology
- Follows investment by Jivox and AppNexus into upgrading their platforms to accept code based instructions as opposed to human instructions via a web interface
- ANNA has been developed to seamlessly integrate with mPlatform