Britannia Milk Bikis has remained a constant companion for children, offering both nourishment and taste. For its latest campaign in Tamil Nadu, conceptualized by Lowe Lintas Bangalore, the brand emphasizes the equal and active contribution of both parents in enriching a child’s success.
With the message ‘Growth Needs Both’, the campaign features Prithi Ashwin, her husband, Indian cricketer R. Ashwin alongside their two daughters. The campaign aims to bring about a mindset shift and highlight the importance of collaborative parenting.

Amit Doshi, Chief Marketing Officer at Britannia Industries said, “Much like Milk Bikis, which is both, a partner for fun and upbringing to any childhood, the equal contribution of both parents ensures enrichment to a child’s overall success. We have designed the campaign to go beyond traditional parenting norms and celebrate true parenting partners, where both, the mother and the father contribute equally to their children’s lives. We are proud to onboard Prithi and Ashwin to deliver the ‘Growth Needs Both’ message, and hope it inspires families across to progress from traditional familial roles.’’
On the campaign and the importance of their message, Prithi and Ravichandran Ashwin said, “Parenting is all about teamwork and it works well when we both are dedicated to ensuring that our children are cared for. We fully stand by the Milk Bikis approach that ‘Growth Needs Both’ and feel proud to be able to propagate the message of equal contribution towards our children’s growth.’’

Sonali Khanna, President and Branch Head at Lowe Lintas, Bangalore said, “Our latest campaign for Britannia Milk Bikis is a great example of partnership at multiple levels – from messaging to execution. Firstly, there’s the Britannia-Lowe Lintas partnership that has built iconic brands over decades. Then there’s the message of ‘Growth Needs Both’ that highlights the incredibly important aspect of co-parenting, and partners it beautifully with the product promise. Finally, there’s the wonderful partnership of R. Ashwin, Prithi, Akhira and Aadhya; a family that truly encapsulates the benefits of shared responsibility. We hope all of Tamil Nadu will be inspired by their example.”
View the campaign here:
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(This information is published from a press release.)