New Delhi: India is the global host of the 2018 World Environment Day on 5 June 2018. ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ – the theme for World Environment Day 2018 aims to inspire governments, industries, communities and individuals to reduce the consumption and production of single-use plastics. Supporting the campaign, MakeMyTrip has joined WWF-India’s #GiveUp initiative by pledging to make its offices Zero Single-use plastic and help tackle the plastic menace facing the world today.
It is believed that in the last decade, the world has produced more plastic than it has in the whole century. India alone generates 60% of the world’s plastic waste, which has adverse impacts on the health of our oceans, rivers and marine life. Over the past few weeks, several events and campaigns across the country have highlighted the issue of the irreversible adverse effect of single use-plastics on the environment.

Speaking about the indiscriminate spread of discarded plastic, Ravi Singh, Secretary-General and CEO, WWF-India, said, ‘’Globally, plastic pollution, caused by the production and use of single-use plastics, is deteriorating the environment. As we continue to develop practices which reduce our impact on the planet, our pledge to minimise single use plastics and ultimately phase out its usage across all our offices is an effort to build a sustainable planet for future generations. We believe it is our responsibility to take up such initiatives and inspire corporate partners, schools, colleges and other stakeholders to do the same. We are extremely happy that MakeMyTrip has taken on the #GiveUp initiative and hope that more companies will come forward to take up this challenge and work towards a greener planet.”

Deep Kalra, Founder & Group CEO, MakeMyTrip, said; “The planet of plastic is not just a doomsday scenario, we are closer to it than most can imagine. It pains me personally to see how Plastic pollution is suffocating our environment and is wrecking the future of humans and animals alike. Every step taken to reduce plastic consumption especially single-use plastic will go a long way in helping course correct and bring us back from the brink. We are happy to partner with World Wide Fund for Nature and join their #GiveUp challenge to raise awareness against single-use plastic.”
Joining the cause, MakeMyTrip has collaborated with WWF in their initiative, GIVE UP TO GIVE BACK CHALLENGE to spread awareness about the scourge of single-use plastic. As part of the entire initiative, MakeMyTrip Founder and Group CEO, Mr. Deep Kalra has posted a video supporting the cause and extending the chain further by tagging his peers from India Inc. and requesting them to support the #QuitPlasticMovement.
MakeMyTrip has given up single-use plastic in the office premises and distributed over 10,000 durable jute bags to all the employees and other NRC companies. MMT is also installing plastic crushing machines in locations such as Andamans, Ladakh, Gurgaon and Bangalore. In order to further reduce the carbon footprints, MMT has planted over a half of million trees near Udaipur from the Rs. 5/- contribution that travellers make while booking on the platform.
WWF-India is taking forward the ‘Give Up to Give Back’ initiative started earlier this year, with several activities and events planned across the country aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastics through awareness and information. WWF-India has pledged to #GiveUp single-use plastic by minimizing and ultimately phasing out usage of all single use plastics in all its offices across India. The organizational policy on the same includes guidelines on plastic use and recycling, and a transparent data monitoring program to track the use of ‘Single Use Plastics’ in WWF offices in India. Globally, WWF is supporting UN Environment’s ‘tag game’ on social media, with staff and network offices all over the world showcasing various ways to #BeatPlasticPollution and encouraging others to do the same.