The second wave of the COVID19 pandemic has hit India very hard and businesses across the spectrum are suffering setbacks. There has been a huge humanitarian toll as well with the loss of loved ones. In such a difficult and challenging environment the Lokmat Group has announced the #Lokmat Cares (Covid Assistance Relief & Support) Initiative.
Instituted by Maharashtra and Goa’s number 1 paper, Lokmat, the #LokmatCares initiative looks to mitigate the loss that any family would face due to the untimely and sad passing away of any Lokmat Employee due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. Under the initiative, special assistance of up to Rs 10 lakh will be provided to the family of any Lokmat employee who sadly passed away due to COVID 19. Also, Lokmat will appoint a team of senior employees who will counsel, guide, and support the dependent family members of the departed employee for a period of two years. The package is being rolled out retrospectively so that family of any departed employees impacted in the earlier waves may also avail the assistance.

“The loss of a loved one can never be replaced by anything. A family yearns for empathy and humanitarian gestures that will help them to bear the loss and stand on their feet. At Lokmat, we always use the term, ‘Lokmat Parivar’ because we truly consider every employee a family member. Losing a colleague is like losing a family member and as an organization, we want to ensure that we stand by them in times of dire need. The #LokmatCares package is a step in that direction.” Highlights Karan Darda, Executive Director and Editorial Director, Lokmat Group.
Karan emphasizes, “We are very grateful to our Lokmat family for the hard work and dedication showed by them during this difficult period. Despite the lockdown, our team has been working like frontline workers to bring factual and research-based news to our readers. The entire supply chain in the organization has supported every endeavor during this pandemic and beyond. I believe that our employees are our most valuable and key asset and their health and well-being are a priority at all times.”
Under Lokmat CARES, the company has also rolled out other initiatives like a complete work from home program, detailed communiqués and protocols, regular sanitization, vaccination and medical advice and equipment like concentrators, help in finding hospital beds, etc. to aid the employees during these trying times. The company is confident that they will weather this storm and emerge, winners, as always.