Gurgaon: Global leading player in the Out-Of-Home (OOH) media industry, GroupM’s Kinetic Worldwide, today announced the launch of India On The Move (IOM). IOM, is Kinetic India’s latest proprietary tool developed fully in-house to help understand audiencetraffic patterns.
Kinetic India’s new tool IOM will help drive sharper audience targeting, thus minimizing spillover. With the capability of providing detailed understanding across important impacts basis key routes and touchpoints leveraging mobility across Air, Rail & Road, IOM will provide customised mapping solution for clients and partners with outline of audience aggregation across geographies.

Speaking on the development, Ajay Mehta, Managing Director of Kinetic India said, “The current situation is a revolutionary trendsetter for the way media is consumed across the globe, breaking all the pre-existing norms. For the OOH industry the key lies in mapping the current consumer behaviour with what brands have to offer and chalking out a plan, post lockdown in the new normal. Analytics is expected to play a key role in optimizing investments for OOH. With the launch of IOM, we intend to offer a tool that leverages real time inputs to maximise campaign impact across geographies and mobility opportunities acknowledging the greater demand for transparency and ROI.”

Speaking on the development, Arijit Chakrabarti Head of Strategy at Kinetic India, said, “Despite having the second largest reach as per Target Group Index, OOH is considered as being data dark – with planning based more on gut-feel rather than on-ground facts and science. IOM is an online proprietary tool bringing science into planning. It leverages multiple visualizations that help showcase underlying data and build relevant insights. The system accounts for differentiated audience mobility patterns on a real-time basis and offers customised mapping solution with outline of audience aggregation across geographies.”