New Delhi: After the success of first digital ad campaign, Kent RO Systems Ltd., one of the renowned healthcare brands in India, launched another heartwarming video showcasing the love bond shared between a son and his parents. The social video #Razaaiof Kent RO has already crossed over 8.7million views on facebook, Instagram, youtube and other famous platforms. This video is part of Kent RO’s digital campaign which was launched in September, focusing on creating real life video stories.

Commenting on the importance of digital media in the brands over media plan, Dr. Mahesh Gupta, Chairman, KENT RO Systems Ltd said, “KENT RO perceived as a trend setter brand in the ad and marketing industry. So this pace will continue in digital as well. The brand will go viral at every possible platform in a structure way and the beginning has been done. The company will be coming up with a series of digital ad campaigns. As increasing focus on digital marketing, online campaigns and social media will help us access the millennial that are going to drive strong trends of consumption in the coming times.”
Conceptualized by Jigsaw Pictures, the one-minute video ad highlights the fact/necessity of a water purifier in one’s home in a balanced, unaggressive and natural manner correctly brings up the emotions of the viewers who are appreciating the video for its sheer simplicity and relevance. The central theme of the campaign revolves around the relationship between a son and his parents.
The brand is now all set to createdigital powered experiential marketing ad campaigns that will create buzzand take the brands to multiple touch-points. The company will come up witha series of 5-6 digital ads of its different range. The brand is not onlyinterested in engaging with its curious targeted customer folk but isworking towards building a brand using digital medium as its newestmarketing tool.
To view the ad please clicks on the following links: