I have known Lara from the ’90s, way before she joined the business. Madison was my agency and I would occasionally visit Sam at his social dos and meet Homai, Lara and Tanya. Two decades later I got an opportunity to work with her.
In an industry filled with opinionated, aggressive media executives, Lara stands out as what I would call a quiet, effective leader. At Madison, she drives the crucial aspects of agency branding, human resource management, overall cost management and inorganic growth.
Her X factor comes from being super smart, a wonderful listener, concise and effective communicator with a six sigma reliability. She is always able to summarise complex discussions into a clear action point, which once agreed gets executed with remarkable speed.
Working at Sam’s side, she has undoubtedly learnt from the best. And has gone on to add her personal stamp of cool professionalism. Always approachable, always says it as it is without ever being harsh, gives space, eases any tension in the room with a smile and always offers a way out to an issue. That is Lara.
In a ‘Trusted Advisor’ workshop I learnt that trust is a function of credibility + reliability + intimacy divided by self-orientation. That captures Lara very well.
One of the least self-obsessed people I know, she focuses on issues objectively without bias. She delivers on time every time and develops strong professional bonds with the people she deals with.
It is a delight and privilege to partner a professional as smart, personable and mature as Lara.
(The author is Partner and Group CEO, Madison Media & OOH. Lara Balsara Vajifdar is Executive Director, Madison World.)