Newly launched independent agency Human has announced that it has bagged the branding and communication mandate for Co2Exist.
Co2Exist is an Indian startup that helps companies and individuals realise their climate commitments. Its goal is to help people across the world achieve a carbon-neutral status while generating revenue for their green efforts.
Human was launched by creative duo Chirag Raheja and Imran Khan, who are its Co-founders and Directors, in late July 2023.

Menaka Pohani, Director, Co2Exist, said, “Human, founded by Chirag and Imran, was a logical choice for Co2Exist’s communications partner. Their approach, work ethic and professionalism stood apart and is what helped us make our decision to partner with them for our communications plan. Their innovative strategies and expertise in creating impactful marketing campaigns align seamlessly with our commitment to promoting sustainable practices and reducing carbon emissions.”
“Our decision to appoint Human was driven by our mutual vision to raise awareness and take effective action in combating climate change. By engaging with Human, we aim to amplify our message, reach a wider audience, and inspire behavioural change on a global scale.We believe that this collaboration will enhance our efforts in building a more sustainable future.”
The agency’s mandate includes working on the brand’s identity and digital communication strategy, besides implementing ideas that effect change.
Pohani added, “On the identity front, Human has already designed a logo for the brand – one that reflects the key aspects of sustainability – restoring our green cover and water bodies, and switching to sustainable power sources to reduce the burden of consumption on the planet.”
On the logo, Khan said “Sustainability is a very broad idea, and capturing the intent of the brand is always crucial. I’m glad we found a genuine depiction of the brand’s purpose, and hope to extend it in many different ways going forward.”
Raheja noted, “Co2Exist is an idea whose time has come. Their business resonates deeply with our ethos of creating work that’s good for the people, and the planet at large. So when we were offered a chance to be their communications partner, we leaped at it. We feel honoured to be their partner of choice, and intend to fully repay the trust placed in us through work that drives meaningful results.”
Khan added, “Our goal is and will always be to work with purpose-driven brands. Co2Exist’s purpose is as big as it gets – they’re literally out there trying to save the world from the clutches of climate change. We couldn’t have asked for a better first client. I’m excited about the win, and look forward to creating work that drives positive change.”
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