Mumbai: The International Advertising Association (IAA) India Chapter has launched its second edition of what is well known as the Work to Live Campaign.

Says Punit Goenka President IAA India Chapter, “The concept of flexi-timings for a city like Mumbai was always a good idea. Now it assumes even more importance. In fact our campaign stresses the points that while flexi-timings are a win-win situation, it must be implemented with a sense of discipline.”

Adds Nandini Dias, IAA Mancom member and CEO Lodestar UM, India, who conceived this idea “After a personal tragedy, I initiated WorkToLiveToWork with the hope that decongestion of the rush hour through flexi-timing will ensure that commuting becomes less fatal. Over the last two years, many corporate leaders and trade bodies have seen the concept working and adopted it. The pandemic has made social distancing a must. But with limited space, overburdened transport network, the need for flexi-timing or time distancing is an absolute must, and workplaces that adopt it will keep their workforce safer.”