GREY group India is the only Indian advertising agency that walked away with a Yellow Pencil at the D&AD Awards 2019. GREY won a Yellow Pencil for the Mahindra Rise #Sehat ka Batua – the health purse’ campaign in the Applied Print Graphics category.

Sandipan Bhattacharyya, Chief Creative Officer, GREY group India said, “It’s an absolute honour to receive India’s first ever Yellow Pencil in Design, and there couldn’t have been a better campaign to do that than Sehat ka Batua with its purposeful integration of folk art styles. A proud moment for GREY India”
Mahindra Rise, an Indian multinational car manufacturing company has taken an initiative to create awareness amongst women in rural India against the Breast Cancer disease.
The incidence of breast cancer is on the rise in rural India. This is not just by a lack of awareness but also the fact that cancer screenings are very low in the priority of things for these rural women.
Also, the reach of media is limited in these remote villages, which is why Mahindra Rise chose a completely new medium to communicate this message – A ‘Batua’, the traditional Indian women’s purse. The campaign remind these women by creating awareness in a way that is discreet and personal, so that checking themselves becomes a habit.