Mumbai: Fractal Ink linked by Isobar, the design specialist from the house of Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN) India, has announced the launch of a Virtual Career Hackathon. The hackathon is a series of activities that the agency will run as part of its recruitment process.
The virtual Career Hack will be conducted on August 1, 2020. Prior to the hack day, interested candidates will send Fractal Ink their CVs, which will be further evaluated by the agency experts. On the hack day, the pre-invited candidates will log in to the agency’s online platform at a given time. The Fractal Ink team will then divide them into groups of 6-7, based on their skills. Further, each group will be guided into a breakout room and will be given a topic for general discussions (GD). It will be facilitated by a senior Fractal Ink member as a moderator. The moderator will keep an eye on communication skills, awareness, logic, and team interaction amongst the candidates.
Post the GD, a design test will be organized with necessary details, topics, and a time limit of 2 hours to complete the given task. The objective will be to examine the candidate’s capabilities to break down the problem, structure a solution, and define an approach.
In the next step of the hack, the candidates must present their solution in front of Fractal Ink’s seniors in the pre-set breakout rooms. Here, the solution will resonate with the candidates’ confidence with which they present in. Ultimately, a final round of interviews with the management will be scheduled for the top candidates, where offers to join one of the most dynamic teams in the country will be made.

Speaking on the occasion, Geeta Suthar, Co-founder, COO, and Chief Business Officer, Fractal Ink said, “During our recruitment drives, we test potential candidates at many levels – for the different hats a designer at Fractal Ink needs to wear – their ability to think, their design skills, their ability to interact with peers and seniors as well as how they are able to present their solutions to a group. The process had been honed and refined for recruitment when done face-to-face. We have tweaked the process to be suitable for the virtual world and it will be interesting to see how the complex process pans out.”