Mumbai: Dish TV has been appraised at Level 5 (both Development & Services) of the CMMI institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). With this, Dish TV has become the only Media & Entertainment organization in the world to be certified with Maturity Level 5.
As per CMMI Institute, receiving the Maturity Level 5 certification means that the organization is focused on statistical based continuous improvement and is built to pivot and respond to opportunity and change. Last year in April, Dish TV was awarded Maturity level 4 certification by CMMI Institute.

Maturity Level 4 and 5 are known as high levels of maturity, organizations assessed at these levels have a capability to quantitatively predict their delivery, and quality of performance using historical data based statistical models. These organizations demonstrate capability to accomplish and sustain their business objectives and performance.
The IT division of Dish TV has brought laurels to the organization by receiving the CMMI Level-5 certification.
Commenting on this achievement, Mr. Anil Dua, Group Chief Executive Officer, Dish TV India Limited, said, “We are proud to announce that Dish TV has received the CMMI Institute’s Maturity Level 5 certification. Along with this, we are elated to share that Dish TV has become the first media organization to receive the certification and has entered into the elite club of around 25 companies in the world who currently hold this certification. This is a result of 18 months journey of understanding, preparing, measuring, and continuous internal review. We are honored to receive the Maturity Level 5 certification by the CMMI Institute and renew our commitment to working towards the organization’s goals and driving customer satisfaction.”

Mr. V.K. Gupta, Chief Technology Officer, Dish TV India Limited, sums it up, “At DishTV we constantly challenge ourselves to deliver better product and services for our customer. In this quest, we review and benchmark each of our internal processes to provide more value to both our internal and external customers. It is thus a proud moment for all of us at DishTV to achieve the CMMI ML5 (Development & Service) certification for our IT division in a very short span of time. It only reinforces our resolve to bring new innovative offerings for our valuable customers, as we continue to drive ourselves on the journey of continuous improvement”.