New Delhi: The popular Spanish TV presenter, tennis coach, adventurer and wildlife expert Frank Cuesta returns to the African continent this season on Discovery channel to face one of the biggest challenges he has faced in the history of ‘Wild Frank’: face to face the black mamba, the most lethal snake on the planet, whose bite has earned the nickname “kiss of death”. Starting April 18, Wild Frank Mamba will be showcased every Wednesday at 9:00 pm.

Zulfia Waris, Vice-President & Head, Premium & Digital Networks, Discovery Communications India, said, “Our strategy of establishing Discovery channel as the home of Mavericks with focus on domains like Auto, Wildlife, Adventure, Military, Science and Technology et al has paid us huge dividends. Wild Frank has a huge following amongst male millennials especially wild life enthusiasts and we are confident that his adventure in search of planet’s most lethal snake will keep the audiences engaged.”
Frank Cuesta has traveled to territories as diverse as Brazil, Africa, India, Mexico, Nepal, Thailand, Australia and California, with the objective of discovering their wild life; and in the process, has exposed himself to situations of great danger. The herpetologist returns to Discovery channel willing to risk his life and face the “kiss of death”. This is how the deadly bite of the Black Mamba is known in Africa, the deadliest snake on the planet and most feared by the inhabitants of that continent, who are aware of the consequences of the bite of this species whose attacks have increased considerably in the last few years.
Frank’s passion for snakes has led him to cross the boundaries on more than one occasion. And now, Frank wants to go further: find a black mamba, hold it in his hands and look at it face to face. Throughout three hour-long episodes, the show will accompany Frank in this reckless quest that will be for Frank “the most dangerous and exciting adventure” of his life. And, as the herpetologist explains, “she is the ninja of the snakes” towards whom he feels “a fatal attraction”. That’s why Frank is willing to live a life-and-death encounter with one goal: to get out alive.
On his journey through the grassland of Southern Africa, Frank and his team will face multiple challenges including a fight for survival between a rhinoceros defending his space and a male lion. The adventure does not end until Frank achieves his goal and comes face to face with the black mamba.