Chennai : Tamil daily “Dinamalar” has been the day starter in many households in Tamilnadu for almost Seven decades together now. Today reading Dinamalar has become a part of the daily activities of the Tamils world over. Launched in 1951 the brand boasts of a rich and diligent legacy even today, providing the news and happenings in all walks of life.
To stay abreast with the digital age Dinamalar has taken a step forward and has launched the next generation E-Paper called “iPaper”. The digitised version of the Tamil daily will foster its readership and also aims to enable its readers to stay updated on the go, round the clock. With the launch of the news App, Dinamalar becomes the first news publisher in the country to adapt an interactive platform. The name iPaper denotes the app is Innovative, Interactive, and more informative with multi-sensory tools.
As audiences have matured and in order to engage more readers through social media like actions the readers will now be able to interact and voice out their opinions by the interactive features Like, Dislike, and even comment on the content published.
This iPaper also brings the whole editorial and advertising content to life with Videos, Audios, Call to Action items like C2C (Click-to-call), C2M (Click-to-email), C2B (Click-to-Book), Coupons, etc. and also comes with the built-in features like Sudoku, Crossword, and quiz.
Dinamalar had also gone live with their new secured mobile journalism technology “SmartJO”, aiming to replace all their camera’s in the video division and majority of their photojournalist with smartphones. This is highly secured content transfer directly to the newsroom with location mapping of the reporters and journalist. Journalist and Photo Journalist can file their story using their smartphone without any dependencies on external devices for file transfer.

Mr. L. Adimoolam – Director – Dinamalar said, “ We are in Information Economy and Attention Economy, To keep the reader engaged we need to constantly innovate our delivery mechanism, one such innovation we have released is this iPaper. We produce lots of news videos and we can engage the readers by providing editorial videos along with the editorial content. Since this iPaper has the ability for a call to action feature there is a possibility of leading our video advertisers to their customers with additional benefits like discount coupons, etc. As per the recent study ads that offer extra benefits is going well with the consumers. ”
This is just the beginning of the disruption. This technology can also scale up with the emerging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR). The future of these apps will undoubtedly witness growth in this area.
Curveball Technology has powered the technologies of the newly launched news app. Curveball Technology is a start-up focusing on content generation and delivery space for the publishing houses, Education, and corporates.
Dinamalar has launched its iPaper which will cater to the new age readers and traditional readers alike. iPaper is available fon desktop, Mobile site (WAP) and can be download in Play Store.