New Delhi: DigiStreet Media, an independent creative agency that has been recently creating ripples with their offbeat but exceptionally effective concepts.

DigiStreet Media was recently given the task of promoting a campaign for Microtek’s heavy-load Jumbo UPS range, the prime feature of which is that it can easily run heavy load equipment with ease, came out with the innovative communication ‘Bina Diesel ka Generator’. “When we got the brief, we decided to change the name altogether to give it a more sophisticated touch, but since the client was more inclined towards keeping the name as is, we decide to give it a communication that will make the product’s main USP stand out easily”, comments Darpan Sharma, CEO, DigiStreet Media.
Darpan further adds, “There was a time when power back-up for heavy loads only meant diesel generators, but times have changed now. Now the same power can be obtained from a UPS minus the diesel consumption, noise and smoke and that’s exactly the idea we are giving out to people with the communication Jumbo – Bina Diesel ka Generator.”
DigiStreet media also has a TVC concept planned out for this campaign which is currently in the pipeline for production. DigiStreet’s secret weapon that gives it the creative edge unlike anything else is its associated concern Diaphragm & Seers which is the powerhouse of all and any sort of creative solutions from product innovation to business solutions and much more. This Microtek Jumbo UPS campaign has been adapted in various formats for the print and digital media platforms with the best of creative outlook and presentation. DigiStreet gets an extra edge as it is also backed by its associated concern Diaphragm & Seers which actively deals in providing all and any sort of creative solutions.