The inaugural edition of the Clutter Cutters Marketer Awards is to be hosted in Bengaluru on November 29, 2023 following the Medianews4u Print and Television Summit.
Based on the body of work from January 2022 to the date of announcement of nominees (November 14, 2023), 10 nominees were picked, down from the originally envisaged 15. This was to ensure that the bar is set high right from the inaugural edition.
Popular campaigns from each of the companies / brands were evaluated to arrive at a cumulative Clutter Cutters Score for each entity. The marketer/s behind the campaigns have been nominated, representing their teams and partners, in line with the purpose of the awards to honour clients who encourage and sign off on clutter-breaking work.

Amit Doshi, CMO, Britannia Industries is among nominees for the inaugural edition of the awards because of these campaigns.
Britannia | Good Day | Chhote Pal (2022)
Britannia | Good Day | Chhote Pal (2023)
Britannia Bourbon | Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate
Britannia 50-50 Maska Chaska | 50 pc Desi 50 pc Videshi
Britannia Pure Magic Chocolush | Live This Moment
Britannia Good Day | Cleft Cookie Campaign
Britannia | 1947 pc More History
Britannia 50 50 Golmaal with Kalonji | Golmaal Kar
Britannia | Women’s Day | #LetsKeepItGoing
Britannia Marie Gold | My Startup Contest | Bahut Kuch Hai Karna
Britannia Milk Bikis | Anaivarukkum
The winners will be announced at the awards night.
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