Mumbai: Samsung India has launched a nationwide television and digital campaign showcasing its initiative to take customer service to the doorsteps of consumers in the hinterlands. Conceptualised by Cheil India, the campaign film #SamsungCares has gone viral in the first four days of its launch and has already been viewed around 13 million times on YouTube.
In October 2016, Samsung launched 535 service vans, to ensure timely service to customers in the remotest corners of India.
The new campaign showcases the journey of a young Samsung engineer, who is on his way to provide the services in a remote village in India.
The new campaign film is conceptualized by Cheil India and was unveiled across 50 television channels supported by print, across cities and digital.
Film link:

Tarvinderjit Singh, Executive Creative Director, Cheil India, said, “Briefs that promise ‘anywhere/wherever’ invariably lend themselves to “journey” films. Beautiful to see, difficult to recall. I wanted to go further, pun intended. I ended up writing the bravest story of my career so far, with wholesome support from our friends at Samsung. Then entered the unmatchable combination of Anupam Mishra, Rubais, Dhruv Ghanekar and Mohit Chauhan. However, the name that comes before all is that of the loveliest leading lady ever – Drishti.”

Sagar Mahabaleshwarkar, Chief Creative Officer, Cheil India said, “Samsung is without doubt at the cutting edge of technology. But even the most advanced products need some TLC once in a while. While others might expect you to visit their service centres, Samsung visits you instead. That’s the measure of Samsung’s emotional investment in its customers. I’m glad that the film adequately captures this warmth and commitment while balancing the rational demands of the brief.”
Mohit Mishra, Vice President – Integrated Services Cheil India said, “With a deep understanding of its consumers, Samsung has been a pioneer of many Customer Centric Initiatives. The latest being the launch of Service Vans that will travel to each and every corner of India. The task in hand was to create a compelling campaign that not only lives true to the Campaign’s tagline ‘We’ll reach you wherever you are’ but at the same time, add a ‘purpose’ to Samsung’s Customer Service Initiative.”
The commercial underlines Samsung’s vision of creating long lasting relationship with its consumers through timely service.