This International Women’s Day (IWD), as women urged each other to #ChooseToChallenge, brands too joined IWD conversations on Twitter to celebrate and encourage them to be their bold, unapologetic selves. Research commissioned by Twitter surveyed 700 Indian women and revealed that women focussed campaigns backed by brands resonated with several of them. In fact, 45% of women on Twitter said that they want to see brands support and promote causes for women. 57% of women said that they want brands to communicate with both men and women, whereas, 58% of women said that they want brands to build products that are considerate to the needs of women.
Here’s a look at what brands had to say about women this IWD:
PhonePe (@PhonePe_): #CelebratingStreeEOs
With 47% of Indian women on Twitter expecting brands and companies to offer equal pay, and 45% seeking inclusive communications, it becomes increasingly crucial for brands to lead with purpose.PhonePe (@PhonePe_) did just that. The brand chose to focus its attention, as well as, direct that of others, on women entrepreneurs and their businesses. The company had recently announced its diversity and inclusion charter, committing to increase female representation in their senior workforce and also increasing its focus on equality across sexual orientation and people with disability. Furthering this commitment, PhonePe (@PhonePe_) initiated the #CelebratingStreeEOs campaign to bring women-owned businesses from all over the country under the spotlight, enabling them to reach a wider audience. The brand encouraged women entrepreneurs to enlist their business with PhonePe so that they could network with other businesses and enjoy added visibility in the market.
They dreamed. They gave it their all. They achieved. This #WomensDay we’re celebrating Women Entrepreneurs or StreeEOs who believed in themselves and created a business they’re proud of. #CelebratingStreeEOs #InternationalWomensDay
— PhonePe (@PhonePe_) March 5, 2021
Paytm (@Paytm): #FinanciallyEqual
Paytm (@Paytm)went the harsh way to show people the stark gender disparity that exists in society especially when it comes to making financial choices. The brand captured a social experiment on video – revealing how, when it comes to making informed financial decisions, women turn out to be more dependent, whereas men are confident and self-sufficient in these areas. The video represented an alarming gender-gap in financial independence, and posed the urgent question of how #FinanciallyEqual or empowered women truly are when it comes to managing their funds.
On the occasion of #InternationalWomensDay, we invited 30 people to participate in a social experiment.
The results, were striking.
— Paytm (@Paytm) March 6, 2021
Morris Garages India (@MGMotorIn): #NotJustForADay for #WomenOfMG
As per the survey, 55% of the women on Twitter in India expect brands to change traditional gender stereotypes. This year, Morris Garages India did just that as they celebrated the #WomenOfMG by recognizing the team behind the 50,000th MG Hector: an all-woman squad. The brand reinforced its vision of a 50% female workforce through this celebration. MG also established women as the ‘driving force’ behind the brand, emphasizing that the brand celebrates women every day, and #NotJustForADay. That was not all, the brand has also launched #MGWomentorship– an initiative to empower women entrepreneurs in overcoming their business challenges.
At MG, diversity has always been an important aspect. Now the #WomenOfMG have made our dream of 50,000th MG Hector possible. Here’s to more women employees, more power and more achievements to be proud of!
— Morris Garages India (@MGMotorIn) February 28, 2021
Women have always been and continue to be the driving force behind MG. We celebrate #WomensDay #NotJustForADay. We celebrate them everyday.
— Morris Garages India (@MGMotorIn) March 5, 2021
Netflix India (@NetflixIndia): #NowStreeming
With 21% of the women in India turning to Twitter for conversations around TV and Movies, Netflix India (@NetflixIndia) took the opportunity to celebrate the many women characters, actors and artists that have been breaking stereotypes with their stories on-screen through the #NowStreeming conversation. The OTT brand spoke to several women from the Indian entertainment space such as actress Manisha Koirala (@mkoirala), comedian KaneezSurka (@kaneezsurka), filmmaker SooniTaraporevala (@soonitara), among others, to commemorate the journey of women in entertainment.
Women (n):
There were no words we could find to describe all of them in a dictionary. So here's to them, and anything they choose to be.#NowStreeming, always streeming.— Netflix India (@NetflixIndia) March 6, 2021
boAt (@boAtNirvana): #tRebelWithboAt
The survey highlighted that 36% of women on Twitter are more opinionated than women on other platforms.boAt(@boAtNirvana) appealed to these strong-headed women and incited their inner rebel – marking that rebellious spirit as the driver that has led women to world dominance in all walks. Through an upbeat video featuring a number of successful women, the brand inspired its female audience to let the rebel within them get moving and take over the world. The brand also took over Twitter’s premium real-estate of its Promoted Trend Spotlight to amplify the conversation to women all over.
Google India (@GoogleIndia): #WomenWill
This year, Google India (@GoogleIndia) affirmed its vision of a gender-equal workplace and world through the #WomenWill: A #GoogleForIndia event. The event, which hosted conversations from industry stalwarts on bridging the gender gap across spaces – online, in the workplace, and in all walks of life – was amplified on Twitter through event reminders, takeaways, and snippets from conversations with leading women and key announcements made by the company at the event.
Meet the people who are motivated to work towards a more gender equal world, every day.
Hear them speak at #WomenWill: A #GoogleForIndia Event at 10:30 am on 8th March.
Set a reminder here ➡️ @sundarpichai @rntata2000 @Jacqfuller @smritiirani— Google India (@GoogleIndia) March 6, 2021
Swiggy (@swiggy_in): Desi Masala
Swiggy (@swiggy_in) discovered that an internet search for ‘desi masala’ served up images of women, instead of masala. The brand countered this stereotypical objectification of women with a Twitter campaign encouraging people to share pictures of any masala or dish, with a caption that said ‘desi masala’, hoping the conversation volume would push it up search engines. The conversation had people participating to contribute towards the initiative in no time.
MTV India (@MTVIndia): #AwaazNahiAaRahi
MTV India (@MTVIndia) stuck to its bold brand image, prompting girls to be loud enough to shut down voices they don’t want to listen to. With a video that called out the ‘shaadikabkarogi?’ obsession among Indian parents despite their girls being independent, capable women, MTV encouraged girls to listen to their own voices, chase their dreams and just say #AwaazNahiAaRahi to all the unwanted distractions that society throws their way.
Kuch toh society kahegi, society ka kaam hai taane dena. But this #WomensDay just say #AwaazNahiAaRahi and move on!#HappyWomensDay #InternationalWomensDay #WomensDay2021
— MTV India (@MTVIndia) March 5, 2021
Max Fashion India (@maxfashionIndia): #YouAreSoBeautiful
With a short little video reminding women of how they make their own world and that of others better, acing every role they play, Max Fashion India (@maxfashionIndia) kicked off celebrations of the Max Fashion Women’s Fest 2021 while encouraging women to keep telling themselves, #YouAreSoBeautiful. Moreover, the brand asked women to pass on the message with a Conversation Card prompting them to Tweet with #YourAreSoBeautiful.
It is time to celebrate Max Fashion Women's Fest 2021, where we celebrate you, each one of you because #YouAreSoBeautifull ❤️
A celebration of the dreams you've made for yourself, the world you've created for your loved ones, and the path you have taken. #MaxWomensFest21
— Max Fashion India (@maxfashionindia) February 27, 2021
WeWork India (@WeWorkIndia): #HerStoriesByWeWork
As per the survey, 55% of women want brands to help shift the perception of women as the sole homemakers.WeWork India (@WeWorkIndia)advocated for inclusive workspaces this International Women’s Day. With a series of videos named #HerStoriesByWeWork, the brand shared stories of some self-made, successful women from different backgrounds, encouraging everyone to break the biases and recognize women’s importance in the workplace.
This Women’s Day, we chose to do something different. We took a stand on how stereotypes and biases still haven't changed at the workplace.
Let’s take a moment to work towards creating an inclusive space.#weworkindia #choosetochallenge #womensday #herstoriesbywework— WeWork India (@WeWorkIndia) March 5, 2021
Uber India (@Uber_India) : #WithinHerReach
Last year, on Women’s Day, Uber India (@Uber_India)called out the gender-commute gap that had been holding women back from chasing their career aspirations with the #WithinHerReach campaign. Building on that thought with the insight that WFH (work from home) could enable 11 million Indian women to join the workforce, the brand outlined its commitment and also encouraged other employers to provide flexible and remote working options for women.
She moves forward when opportunities are #WithinHerReach.
WFH = Works For Her.
And what works for her, works for all of us.
Know more:— Uber India (@Uber_India) March 8, 2021
Mi India (@XiaomiIndia): #ShaktiHarHaath
Mi India (@XiaomiIndia) pledged to contribute to 500 women across the country by donating prosthetic limbs. In a heartwarming video, the brand paid an ode to women who shape lives for everyone around them, and vowed to support their dreams in return.
Mother, wife, daughter – our life has been & continues to be shaped by #women.
On #WomensDay, let's empower women.
Through #ShaktiHarHaath we're donating prosthetic limbs to 500 women, to support them with their dreams, just the way they have with ours.
— Mi India #Mi10i is Here! (@XiaomiIndia) March 8, 2021