Mumbai: Cryptocurrency has become the latest asset that has been introduced into the investment landscape. Even though it was initially designed as a decentralised alternative to the traditional centralised financial system, it has now evolved to become a store of value. With the creation of the first decentralised peer-to-peer payment system, Bitcoin has led to a formation of novel payment services that are collectively known as ‘cryptocurrencies’.
Countries like Japan, USA, Germany, Canada and many more have accepted cryptocurrency as a mode of payment and trading services. Recently, El Salvador created history by becoming the first country in the world to adopt bitcoin as legal tender.
Many brands like Microsoft, PayPal, Etsy, Starbucks etc., have started accepting cryptocurrency as a payment option for their products and services.
In fact, there are several marketing agencies in Europe and Asia that have adopted cryptocurrency as a new method to accept payments for their services.
Since its inception, Beeing Social has strived to look out for new developments in the digital space and subsequently adopt them into its processes. The agency has always been a trailblazer when it comes to technology. and constantly experimenting with new ways to do things helps the agency stand out from the rest.
Considering cryptocurrency as the next big thing, Beeing Social has become the first-ever Digital Marketing Agency in India to accept payments in cryptocurrency.

Expressing his thoughts on this new development, Abhishek Rajpurohit, CEO & Co- Founder of Beeing Social said, “We see huge growth in the cryptocurrency space. We have been working with several tech-startup companies from Asia and the USA. Looking at how the blockchain market is evolving with every passing day, we thought that it was the right time to accept payments in cryptocurrency as well. We now accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT as payment options. With this new step, we hope that other organizations will follow and cryptocurrency gains wide acceptance as a mode of payment for business here in India.”