Mumbai: The current global Coronavirus pandemic has affected each individual at multiple levels and in various ways across the world. People are seen battling it in hospitals, through self-isolation, and in quarantine. But there is an army of people working selflessly to keep them safe – the doctors, nurses, policemen, medical workers, and government professionals. These heroes are risking their lives and laboring at the forefront to help control the situation.
With an aim to salute these heroes, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company, one of India’s top private general insurers – awarded ‘Best Non-Life Insurer of the year 2020’ – and WATConsult, the globally awarded hybrid digital agency from the house of Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN) India, have released a new video, #CareWillOvercome. The video aims to bring in ‘hope’ and ‘care’ in the world amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. This riveting short video showcases stirring images of people from around the world. It includes doctors, medical workers, and citizens who are bravely doing their bit to help to leave no stone unturned in fighting this global crisis.
The music that accompanies the video is a rendition of the renowned song ‘We Shall Overcome’ popularly known as ‘Hum Honge Kamyaab’ in India. The lyrics of the song are in different languages from across the world. It expresses the borderless unity and togetherness we are all witnessing during this pandemic. Listening to the same positive message sung out in different languages like Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, Farsi, German, Hindi, and English is indeed motivating. The music too is an amalgamation of cultures. For example, the strings are from Russia, percussion from Nigeria and the vocals are from Italy, Germany, China, America, Spain, and India.
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Tapan Singhel, MD & CEO, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company said, “Care has always been at the core of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company. And with the current situation, it has become more important than ever to be caring. Through this video, we wanted to send out a global message of solidarity and positivity, giving a ray of hope to each one of us. It is only through care – for ourselves, for our loved ones and for the people who are at the frontlines – that we can come out of this stronger and rise. Hence, the message of caring enough to be brave informed and responsible.”

Commenting on the same, Heeru Dingra, CEO, WAT Consult added, “In such a grim situation like this a word of ‘HOPE’ and ‘CARE’ means a lot. While this pandemic has gripped all of us, it has also brought in a severe effect on one’s mind and soul. We should not forget the fact that there is a huge lot outside battling for us, risking their lives as well as emotions just for ‘us’. This video is an ode of salute to them and has been conceptualized keeping in mind the importance of bringing in a positive feeling that we are ‘in it together’ and ‘we will overcome this together’.”
Doing its part in the wake of social distancing, the brand intends to create the longest virtual human chain on its Instagram profile as amplification for the campaign.