The Asian Federation of Advertising Associations (AFAA) has launched a quarterly Newsletter titled AFAA Connect.
Say Raymond So, Chairman AFAA, “there was a need expressed by our members from across the Asian continent to have a medium to keep abreast with the many activities and initiatives AFAA is associated with. This prompted us to launch AFAA Connect. We believe it will not just highlight news about our activities but also foster a feeling of oneness among our members who represent various Marcom associations in Asia”.

Adds Srinivasan Swamy Vice-Chairman AFAA, “from well-known properties like AdAsia, and DigiAsia to involvement in creative awards like AdStars and our investment in the young professionals with the FastTrack program, to name a few, AFAA’s activities have been growing. AFAA Connect will not just chronicle these events and initiatives but also focus on the key people who help run this vibrant Association.