The Asia Video Summit organized by the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) is set to roll from 29th October to 1st November 2018 in Hong Kong. It will explore the state of the video industry in the region with a speaker lineup that includes Astro CEO Henry Tan, HBO Asia CEO Jonathan Spink and BBC Studios’ executive VP for Asia, David Weiland.
Other speakers on the agenda include True Corporation’s BirathonKasemsri Na Ayudhaya, PCCW Media’s Janice Lee, Netflix’s Tony Zameczkowski, TVB’s SK Cheong, Amazon’s Vijay Subramaniam and HOOQ’s Peter Bithos.

The summit will explore disruption and consolidation in the media business and look at how companies are embracing change. “We have worked really hard to put together a compelling and coherent program, coupled with an impressive lineup of speakers,” said AVIA CEO Louis Boswell. “Delegate sales have been strong and we are optimistic it is going to be a great event.”
Key themes include the evolution of streaming services, video distribution models, advertising, sports and 5G, as well as spotlights on China and India.
Coinciding with the summit, AVIA has commissioned Media Partners Asia to produce a State of the Video Industry report.