Mumbai : In March 2018, ASCI’s Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) upheld complaints against 191 advertisements out of the total of 269 advertisements that were evaluated by the CCC.
Out of the total 191advertisements against which complaints were upheld, 114 belonged to the healthcare sector, 24 to the education sector, 35 to the food & beverages category, seven to the personal care and 11 were from the ‘others’ category.A total of 183 advertisements were picked up by ASCI’s Suo Moto surveillance and objections against 165advertisements were upheld. Of the 86 advertisements complained against by the general public or by industry members, complaints against 26 advertisements were upheld by the CCC.
Exaggeration of product efficacy was the number one reason for upholding complaints. The other reasons included exploiting consumers’ lack of knowledge, providing factsand figures which were inadequately substantiated to support claims and delivering advertisements which were misleading by ambiguity or by implication. This was followed by violations of the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act (DMR Act) and the Drugs and Cosmetics (D&C)Rules and advertisements which contravened various ASCI guidelines.
Among the various complaints against advertisements featuring celebrities, the CCC observed that an advertisement for an innerwear brand featuring a popular superstar was found to misguide the consumers, by trying toget them to think that superstars in the film industry wear this brand. A celebrity was seen endorsing a cream to clear dark spots, whose efficacy was not substantiated and was misleading. Likewise, an advertisement featuring a celebrity promoting excessive consumption of a snacking product was considered to be in contravention of the ASCI Guidelines for celebrities in Advertising.

“Grievances against brands from various segments have been upheld for not abiding by the Self-Regulation code and guidelines put forth by ASCI. It is ASCI’s ongoing mission to maintain and enhance the public’s confidence in advertising and ensure that consumers stay protected from misleading information in the advertisements.”said Abanti Sankaranarayanan, Chairman, ASCI
HEALTHCARE: – Total of 114ads complained against
Direct Complaints (seven ads complained against)
Suo Moto Surveillance by ASCI ( 107ads complained against)
PERSONAL CARE: – Total of seven ads complained against
Direct Complaints(Fiveads complained against)
Suo Moto Surveillance by ASCI (Two ads complained against)
FOOD AND BEVERAGES: – Total of 35 ads complained against
Direct Complaints (Four ads complained against)
Suo Moto Surveillance by ASCI (31 ads complained against)
EDUCATION:- Total of 24ads complained against
Direct Complaints (Three ads complained against)
Suo Moto Surveillance by ASCI (21ads complained against)
OTHERS:- Total of 11 ads complained against
Direct Complaints (Sevenads complained against)
Suo Moto Surveillance by ASCI (Four ads complained against)
The CCC found claims of sevenadvertisements in healthcare products or services to be either misleading or false or not adequately / scientifically substantiated;hence in violation of the ASCICode. Several healthcare products or clinic advertisements also contravened provisions of the Drug & Magic Remedies Regulations and Chapter III.4 of the ASCI Code. Complaints against the following advertisements were UPHELD.
Lifespan Wellness Pvt Ltd. (Lifespan Diabetes Clinic): The advertisement’s claim, “Can’t get Diabetes under control? Get comprehensive solutions and treatments ……” implying cure for Diabetes, was not substantiated with supporting clinical evidence and is misleading by exaggeration and implication. The claims, “Most diabetics get only half the care they need, get the full care with expert dialectologist and comprehensive treatment at life span”, and “70% of Lifespan patients successfully managed their high blood sugar by actively adhering to the full care R.I.S.C. based treatment”, were not substantiated with supporting data and are misleading by exaggeration.
Dr. Dassan’s Life Care Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment and Research Centre (Kidney): The advertisement’s claim (in Gujarati) as translated in English, “… treatment can prevent dialysis in kidney diseases”, was not substantiated with authentic, credible scientific / clinical evidence. The claim, implying cure for kidney diseases, is misleading by gross exaggeration and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Allen Healthcare Co. Ltd (LivosinAyurvedicliver and skin health capsule): The advertisement’s claim, “100% Herbal”, was not substantiated with any evidence of the ingredients present in the product, and was misleading by exaggeration.
Allen Healthcare Co. Ltd (Livosin DS herbal Liver Tonic): The advertisement’s claim, “Prevents alcohol induced liver disease”, was not substantiated with clinical evidence of product efficacy, and is grossly misleading by implication that the product is good for alcoholics, thus misleading them to consume more alcohol. The advertisement also exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers. The claim, “Sugar Free” was not substantiated with any evidence of the ingredients present in the product, and is misleading.
Super Science of Healing Methods (Dr. R.K Aggarwal): The advertisement’s claim, “Have you got Stones? Remove in 35 days without operation”, was not substantiated with supporting clinical evidence, and is misleading by exaggeration and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Detoxicate herbal powder:The advertisement’s claim, “Cure Deafness” was considered to be, prima facie, in violation of The Drugs & Magic Remedies Act.
Raj Vaidya Shital Prasad & Sons (Rasayan Vati): The advertisement’s claim, “100% natural” was not substantiated.
L’Oreal India Private Ltd:In this advertisement, celebrity Alia Bhatt is seen endorsing ‘New Garnier Light Serum Complete Cream’ wherein two of her friends in this advertisement have dark spots and dark skin and Alia Bhatt promises them that if they will use this Garnier serum cream, it will vanish inone week’s time. Next in the advertisementwe see Alia and her friends in all glamour and fair skinat a premiere. The advertisement’s claim, “With new Garnier Light Complete …. de three tones lighter skin sirfek week mein”, was not substantiated, and is misleading by exaggeration.
Hindustan Unilever Limited – Pure Derm Anti Dandruff Shampoo: The advertisement’s claim, “Dandruff JayegaAurWaapasNahinAayega” is an absolute claim and was not adequately substantiated. Regardless of the statement “Purify your scalp everyday” the claim was misleading by exaggeration. Furthermore, the claim, “”10/10 derms recommend Pure Derm”, was not substantiated and was misleading by ambiguity and implication that all dermatologists recommend the advertised product over other anti-dandruff products in the market.
Procter & Gamble Home Products Private Limited- Pampers: The advertisement’s claim “Pampers No. 1 Choice of Doctors”, in absence of a qualifier to mention the source and conditions of the survey, is misleading by ambiguity and omission.
Wipro Enterprises Pvt Ltd (Santoor Handwash):The advertisement’s claims, (in Gujarati) as translated in English, “Santoor Handwash is made from Tulsi and Sandalwood”, and “Tulsi keeps your hands germ-free, while Sandalwood keeps them smooth”, were not substantiated and are misleading by ambiguity and implication.
R & R Salons Private Ltd (YLG Institute Salon Pro Slogro): The advertisement’s claims, “World’s first skin care solution that slows regrowth of body hair to keep that just-waxed look for longer” and “World’s first range of products with Deplif active system that retards hair regrowth and gives freedom from body hair for longer”, were neither adequately substantiated with any verifiable comparative data nor the advertiser’s products were established to be the “World’s first”range of products for hair growth retardation. The claims are misleading by gross exaggeration. The claim “With the use of Slogro products, body hair is reduced, weakened and delayed in growth, making it easy and painless to remove during the next waxing session now enjoy more hair-free days” was inadequately substantiated. For the claim “The fast absorbing formulation moisturizes, nourishes and lightens your skin, leaving it softer and smoother”, while the claim related to fast absorbing formula, moisturization and softness or smoothness of skin were not considered to be objectionable, the claim of “lightens your skin” was inadequately substantiated and is misleading.
Guiltfree Industries Limited (Too Yumm): In the advertisement, cricketer Virat Kohli is seen munching on Too Yumm all through the commercial. Two men are shown eating vegetables whereas the cricketer is munching on the product. In the end he says, “Kyunki TOO YUMM sirf tasty nahi, it is filled with goodness. It’s not fried, it’s baked”. The claim “It is baked, it is not fried” holds for only three variants; However, the TVC showed nine product variants. The claim was therefore considered inadequately substantiated and misleading by ambiguity, implication and exaggeration. The advertisement’s claim, “Eat Lot and Fikar Not” and “Eat anytime anywhere, as much”, showing overindulgence of the product in the TVC and with other cues such as “binging”/“khaayethoosthoos”, was misleading by implication and exaggeration that the advertised product would not have any negative effect despite excessive consumption. There was also a stark contradiction between the Claim, “Eat Lot and Fikar Not” and the disclaimer quoting “We promote responsible indulgence as a part of dietary requirement”. The visual of the celebrity when seen in conjunction with the claims are likely to mislead consumers regarding the product characteristics.
Tata Chemical Ltd (Tata Salt): The advertisement’s claim, “No Added Chemicals”, was misleading and contradictory to the disclaimer mentioned in the advertisement.
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited – Horlicks Protein Plus: The advertisement’s claim, “3X more protein” is misleading by ambiguity and implication that the protein content is higher than that of Protinex – a leading product drink currently present in a tin format.
Chemical Resources (Fenfuro): The advertisement’s claims, “Recently married and planning to have a baby! Check your blood glucose levels as high glucose levels travel to next generation”, Safe and Effective as per clinical data available on 254 subjects”, and “Further Study on 200 subjects at AIIMS is under evaluation”, were not substantiated with clinical evidence for product efficacy and are misleading by gross exaggeration and implication. The advertisement also creates a fear in the consumer’s mind and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
The CCC found following claims in the advertisements by three advertisersnot substantiated and thus, violatingASCI Guidelines for Advertising forEducational Institutions.
IMS Learning Resources P. Ltd: The advertisement’s claim, “RutujaMahohar GMAT 730”, was grossly misleading by implicating that the student had taken GMAT classes and by misusing the complainant’s name. The advertisementin the promotional material and the advertisementin the brochure,both contravened Guidelines for Advertising of Educational Institutions and Programmes
Allnine Overseas Education: The advertisement’s claim, “Seven Band guaranteed achieving”, was not substantiated. The claim, “Highest Visa Success Ratio”, was not substantiated with verifiable supporting data of the advertiser’s institute versus other similar institutes offering visa assistance, and is misleading by exaggeration and implication.
Great Lakes Institute of Management (Great learning): The advertisement’s claims, “Get certified in business analytics with personalized mentorship” and “Learn from World class faculty”, were inadequately substantiated. The claims are misleading by ambiguity, exaggeration and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge and are likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Polycab Wires Pvt Ltd (Polycab Cables & Wires): The advertisement’s claim of power saving (“Polycab Wires lagaoaurbijlibachao”,) was not substantiated and is misleading by implication. In the advertisement, celebrity Paresh Raval is seen convincing his neighbour to use Polycab wires to save electricity which was misleading and not justified. Moreover, in view of the CCC, a small saving, if any, is being projected as a significant saving.
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd (HDFC life): The advertisement’s claim, “Poor Air Quality can lead to Cancer”, is misleading by exaggeration. The advertisement uses the word “can” which is a more definitive term than the word “may”, thereby creating a fear in the consumer’s mind. The advertisement exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Lux Industries Limited (Lux Venus): In the advertisement, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan (celebrity) portrays thecharacter of a barber saying that all superstars are wearing Lux Venus vest (“Yehjitne superstar log hainnayeh sab yahi no pahanletehain….hum hoonpehnathaiyehdekho…”).
Oppo Mobile (Oppo F5):Oppo advertisement shown as an article in Times of India app was misleading by omission to mention that it is an advertisement.
MRF Ltd (MRF Nylogrip Plus): The advertisement’s claims,(in Hindi) “Pura India yeh manta hai, sabsezyadayehichaltahai”, (in Marathi) “Sampoorn India heymanto, sarvathjaasthhaachchalto”, implying that MRF Nylogrip tyres are long lasting and the largest selling tyres in the country, which was not substantiated with verifiable comparative data or with market survey data. The claim is misleading by implication and gross exaggeration
Eastern Media Limited (Kanak News):The advertiser claiming their channel – Kanak News to be “No. 1 Odia News Digital Platform”, was inadequately substantiated and is misleading by exaggeration.
Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Limited: The advertisement’s claim, Nagpur metro – “The Greenest Metro in the world”, was not substantiated and is misleading by gross exaggeration.
SUO MOTO Surveillance by ASCI
The advertisements given below were picked up through ASCI’s SuoMoto surveillance of Print and TV media via the National Advertisement Monitoring Services (NAMS) project. Out of 183advertisements that were picked up, 165advertisements were considered to be misleading. Of the total 165advertisements, 107advertisements belonged to Healthcare, 21belonged to the Education category, 31belonged to Food & Beverage category, two belonged to Personal Care category and four belonged to ‘Others’ category.
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd (Crocin 650): The advertisement’s claim, “Its fast release formula starts working in just five minutes”, was not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy within five minutes. The claim exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Kolors Health Care India Pvt Ltd (Kolors Slimming & Beauty): The advertisement’s claims, “Reduce up to six inches within short period (stomach, sides, thighs, hips) without exercise, pills, side effects and without surgery”, “Removes stretch marks”, were not substantiated. The claims and efficacy being depicted via visuals of before and after the treatment are misleading by gross exaggeration and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge and are likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Nova IVI Fertility: The advertisement claiming to be India’s No.1 Fertility Chain via disclaimer that it was “based on an award received”, was misleading by ambiguity and omission to mention the source and date of the award.
Karan Hospital: The advertisement’s claim, ‘’First in north India to have successfully cured piles, fistula, varicose veins by laser and durbin”, was not substantiated with any verifiable comparative data of the advertiser’s hospital being the first in north India to have successfully cured piles, fistula, varicose veins by laser and durbin, or through a third party validation. The claim is misleading by exaggeration.
PravekKalp Pvt Ltd (Pravek-T): The advertisement’s claim, “Sharirko rog muktrakhnekishamthadetehain” (“Has the ability to keep the body disease free”), was inadequately substantiated and is misleading by gross exaggeration and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Chahal Clinic:The advertisement’s claims, “Grow new natural hair from the roots through treatment without surgery”, and “Makes hair black”, were not substantiated with supporting clinical evidence and with treatment efficacy data, and are misleading by exaggeration.
Lumen Clinic: The advertisement’s claims, “Get Permanent Fairness” and “Fat Loss Treatment”, were not substantiated with supporting clinical evidence, and with treatment efficacy data, and are misleading by exaggeration. The efficacy being depicted via images of before and after the treatment is misleading. The “before” image of the model’s face shown in the advertisement (indicating the expressions before product use) was portrayed as unhappy and is misleading.
Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics: The advertisement’s claims, “Get freedom from obesity”, and “Patient will never regain lost weight again”, were not substantiated with supporting clinical evidence, and with treatment efficacy data, and are misleading by exaggeration.
Abhay Ayurvedic Pharmacy – Medari Range of Products: The advertisement’s claim, “To manage/control extra fat and to reduce stomach / weight – use AbhayMedari”, was not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and is misleading by exaggeration. The claim, “Government of India, Ministry of Ayush under leading Ayurvedic research institute – CCRAS developed by Ayush 82”, was not substantiated with supporting data, and is misleading by implication that Ministry of AYUSH has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement.
Herbal Ayurveda (Herbal Gain Tablet): The advertisement’s claims, “Ayurvedic product- increases weight in just 45 days”, “For all Age groups”, and “See the difference in just 10 days”, were not substantiated with product efficacy data, and are misleading by exaggeration.
Naturoveda India Pvt. Ltd. (Naturoveda Health World): The advertisement’s claims – Certain complications such as sexual inadequacies, general weakness, etc. can be addressed through Naturoveda’s treatment, diseases arising from both types of Diabetes can be rectified/cured, were misleading.
The following advertisements were considered to be, prima facie, in violation of The Drugs & Magic Remedies Act and are being referred to the Ministry of AYUSH:-
Sr No | Brand/Product | Claims |
1 | Ashok Clinic | Get back your sex life |
2 | Nurture Health Care | Increase timing and excitement |
3 | Nurture Health Care/ Ayurex-S Capsule | For the extra pleasure and the magic of intimacy |
4 | Ganga Ayurvedic Clinic | Make penis long, thick and hard by using desi formula |
5 | Ipsa Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range of Products |
Khel ….na hone de fail |
6 | Ipsa Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range of Products |
Ab aaegamaza ….khel se |
7 | Positive Homeopathy | Get rid from diabetes problem |
8 | Positive Homeopathy | Permanent relief from diabetes |
9 | Juneja Ayurveda / PowertoneJoshila | Sex Problems? Don’t hesitate, money back guarantee. Increases love and gives feeling of masculinity |
10 | Dr.BalajiAyurvedi c/ Luko
Kit |
Permanent cure for white spots (vitiligo) with “lukokit” |
11 | Luna Pharma / Jambola Liquid | The advertisement claims cure for kidney problems |
12 | SBS Biotech / More Power
Capsules |
Trusted medicine since 10 years for stayed development
I have had complete physical growth, after taking two capsules in the morning and evening, only for two and a half months I took two Ayurvedic capsules More power in the morning and evening regularly for 3 months and it solved my problem of physical growth |
13 | Flipbald / Flipbald
Health & Wellness Products |
Complete treatment of serious sex problems is possible with filpbald’s modern and Vedic method
100% permanent treatment or get money back. Successful treatment for Rs 7500/- |
14 | MakewellPharmaceuticals /
Speed Height Capsule |
Speed Height Capsule:
Visual shows increase in stature of a person |
15 | Sun Ayurveda / Surya AmritJivan | Grows small, thin, sloppy penis 7-8 inches bigger, thick, hard and increases sex time upto 30-40 minutes
Eradicate impotence, infertility |
16 | Flipbald / Flipbald
Health & Wellness Products |
Treatment of white spot is possible through flipbald’s modern and natural treatment
End of disease from the roots |
17 | Amar Dawakhana | Get masculine strength by consuming amar course
Satisfied treatment through formula prepared by old ayurvedic herbs for lack of timing in sex, weakness in any age, wet dreams. |
18 | Nurture Health Care / AyurexNdx | Increase timing & self confidence |
19 | Chandan Clinic | Sex problems –
End of sexual impotence |
20 | Divya UpcharSansthan | Reduce obesity permanently
Freedom from all types of operation, Cancer & heart disease Kidney patient saved from dialysis |
21 | Dr.DassansAyurvedi
c Centre / Dr Dassans Ayur Neuro Treat & Res Centre |
One more paralyzed patient is saved
Patient whose legs, forearms, hand and tongue was not working one year ago, is cured by Dr. Dassan’s treatment |
22 | Ganga Clinic | An Ayurvedic cream and capsule for making penis lengthy and thick and to increase sex timing |
23 | Ganga Clinic | Make penis very long-thick and hard
Get rid of all types of sex problems 50-60 minutes sex time |
24 | GurukrupaAyurvedic
Rugnalay |
Guaranteed treatment of chronic and incurable diseases – diabetes, kidney stone, impotence, heart disease |
25 | Kavish Range Of Products | Get sexual pleasure every night with kavishvati
Loose penis can be eradicated from roots with kavish permanent cream |
26 | Krushna Polyclinic | Remove obesity through pure Ayurvedic guaranteed treatment |
27 | Lifezen Healthcare Pvt Ltd
/ Musli Zen |
Effective solution for disappointed couples |
28 | Naturoveda India Pvt Ltd / Naturoveda Health World | Is your married life happy?
Naturoveda Health World’s treatment based on the unique combination ofFundamentals of Ayurveda,Potentized Unani and Therapeutic Yoga has proved to be effective. Several couples have got freedom from their sexual problems and are leading a happy married life. |
29 | Gaharwar Pharma
Products Pvt Ltd / PV Tone Range Of Products |
Ayurvedic formula for vim & vigour
Instant pleasure |
30 | Juneja Ayurveda / Power Tone Joshila | Get vigour of 25 at the age of 55,increases love and gives feeling of masculinity |
31 | Praveen Surana Deaf Cure Centre | Cure your deafness and improve your hearing loss
Deafness due to birth/ ageing/ side effects of medicine, hole in ear drum, pus, tinnitus, vass and tamra are cured accurately |
32 | Roshan Clinic | Ayurvedic treatment for masculine weakness, wet dreams |
33 | Roy Clinic | Consult for complete and permanent treatment of men/women venereal / sexual diseases |
34 | Kaalan Drugs & Remedies
/ Sakthi Malt |
Source for men’s strength
Gives power and strength to the veins and nerves which are a source to men’s strength in a married life Make sexual life more powerful by increasing sexual abilities and stimulating sexual capacity |
35 | Surya Homoeo Clinic | Permanent treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation, wet dreams, discharge and white spots, stones |
36 | Shankar Pharmacy / Ulset
Plus |
Creates coating on stomach layers and protects from ulcers
It prevents ulcers by curing at early stage |
37 | Vedamarogya Ayurveda
Multi-Specialty Hospital |
Get rid of diseases– obesity, diabetes problems, arthritis |
38 | Olefia Biopharma Ltd / Votif Range Of Products | Lack of sexual desire
An Ayurvedic medicine with extremely strong, fast, effective and permanent treatment that ordinary person can also consume tobring more pleasure in married life |
39 | Aagam Yoga & Aerobics /
ArogyamYog Kendra |
Successful treatment of diseases like obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis |
40 | AyurvedAmrutam | Successful treatment of arthritis for patients disappointed by other medical methods |
41 | Dr DassansAyurvedic
Centre / Dr Dassans Re Renal |
Kidney patient saved from dialysis
42 | Dr DassansAyurvedic
Centre / Dr Dassans Self On |
One More paralyzed patient is saved. He is completely fine post 4 months of treatment |
43 | Kalan Pharmaceuticals /
Kalan Range Of Products |
Effective cure Shakthimart – the source for strong male power
Improves genital power by strengthening genitals and thus in turn strengthening sexual activity |
44 | Ipsa Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range of Products |
“ Khel Se JeetApki” |
45 | Ipsa Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range of Products |
“Khel…..Khelo Magar Pyaar se” |
46 | Ipsa Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range of Products |
“Khel……Khelo Ji BharKe” |
47 | Medikom Healthcare and
Ayurvedic Centre |
Afraid of marriage – Get vigour/energy after or before marriage which will blow your partner’s mind
Bring strength and vigour into limbs |
48 | PrakrutiAyur Health
Resort / PrakrutiJiyo Fresh Range Of Products |
PrakrutiJiyo Fresh – Your marital life will overflow with joy because of anukul tablet and oil |
49 | Rana Dispensary | Sex problems – Solution of every type of venereal diseases through Ayurveda and unani |
50 | Kavish Range of Products/ KavishMajun | Get back your lost vigour forever with KavishMajun |
51 | Kavish Range of
Products/ KavishVati/ KavishMajun/KavishVati |
Give your partner something special
Freedom from sexual weakness forever |
52 | Ravi Clinic | Successful treatment of diseases like kidney stone, arthritis |
53 | S B Ayurvedic Speciality | Using Vaajekarana medicines will cure sexual problems and infertility problems in males permanently |
54 | Shree Satya Educational Trust / Sri Satya Ayurvedic
Medical College & Hospital |
Successful treatment of kidney diseases |
55 | Dhanvantri Pharmaceutical / Swarna Madhu | Get rid of lack of sexual power and azoospermia
56 | Shree Maruti Herbal / Height Grow Range Of Products | Height grow helps for natural growth |
57 | Shree Maruti Herbal / Hi
Grow |
Height grow helps for natural growth |
58 | Shree Maruti Herbal /
Height Grow |
Height grow helps for natural growth |
59 | Dolphin Labs/ Anaconda
Range of Products |
“Come closer to your partner ” |
60 | Anmol Ayur Clinic | Get rid of all sexual problems, venereal diseases, childlessness |
61 | Nurture Health Care / Ayurex-Ndx | “Do not be disappointed, there is still hope” |
62 | Nurture Health Care /
Ayurex-S Capsule |
Leave such impression on your partner’s heart and mind that they always admire you |
63 | D S Research
Centre |
Now no fear of death with Cancer
Where the man has won over Cancer and achieved victory |
64 | Dr. Mahendra
Rana ArogyaSansthan |
Ayurvedic treatment through Panchakarma
provides successful, safe and permanent treatment for white spots and arthritis |
65 | Arogyam Ayurvedic
Hospital |
Gatiyaaurjodo k dard se payachutkara
Gatiyaaurjodokedardkapakaillaj |
66 | Dr. Meetwar Homeopathy | Complete & permanent recovery of incurable diseases such as: Leucoderma, Blood
Cancer, Diabetes, Sterlity, Tumors, Stones, Epilepsy |
67 | IPSA Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range Of Products |
Khel …Khelohak se |
68 | IPSA Labs Pvt Ltd /
Khel Range Of Products |
Khel …KheloQayamattak |
69 | Gaharwar Pharma
Products Pvt Ltd./ P V Tone Range Of Products |
All men can spend a joyful and pleasant life with this |
70 | Shahwar Dispensary | Dr. Shahwar’s treatment will change your unsuccessful married life to successful one
Successful treatment for venereal diseases |
71 | Luna Pharma / Stonecure
Kit |
Stonecure Kit – Get rid of kidney stones by one-month course |
72 | Nurture HealthCare / Ayurex-S Capsule | With Ayurex S you will never disappoint your partner
Impress your partner in such a way that they always admire you |
73 | Ayurmed Herbs & Pharmaceuticals/ Ayurmed
Herbs & Pharma Range Of Products |
AJMODH RAS – It prevents Cancer, Stone formation, Diabetes, Kidney problem |
74 | Arogiya Clinic | All kinds of diseases will be cured-
Kidney stones & Gall bladder stones are removed within 3 – 6 months without surgery |
75 | Chetan Clinic | To increase sex timing.
Permanent treatment for night fall, discharge, premature ejaculation, impotency |
76 | Dr. Asma Herbal / Commando Range of Products | very popular among men
Use Commando oil with commando capsules
77 | Dr. DassansAyurvedic
Centre/ Dr DassansAyur Neuro |
Paralysed patient is saved from disability
The patient (testimonial -Soam Dutt) whose legs, forearms, and tongue were not working,has been cured with Dr. Dassan’s treatment |
78 | Dextrix Solutions LLP/ Healthy Life | HEALTHY LIFE – “Now He/she loves you one more time”
Gives instant power to your penis and also gives longer duration which will satisfy your partner
79 | Only Ayurved / Heart Re-Booster | Regular consumption protects you from heart failure, heart attack, angina and heart related problems and stroke as well |
80 | Herbal No. 1 Range of Products | To eradicate masculine weakness due to old mistakes, removes loose nerves and gives tremendous masculine strength” |
81 | Juneja Ayurveda | Get vigour of 25 at the age of 55
Your partner will admire you |
82 | Gaharwar Pharma Products
Pvt Ltd / P V Tone Range Of Products |
For Men only
Every man can lead satisfied and happy life |
83 | Gaharwar Pharma Products
Pvt Ltd./ P V Tone Range of Products |
To get instant pleasure |
84 | Raja Dawakhana | Guaranteed treatment of discharge, wet dreams, nil sperms, length and thickness, premature ejaculation |
85 | Sablok Pharmacy | Sexual Problems – Get back lost strength / stamina |
86 | Anant Ayurvedic Clinic | Permanent treatment of venereal diseases and impotency
87 | Dr. Dhillons Clinic | Successful treatment of venereal diseases, masculine weakness, premature ejaculation, discharge, lack of sperm and diabetes, its related problems since 44 years |
88 | Gaharwar Pharma Products
Pvt Ltd./ PV Tone Range Of Products |
Power & Vitality |
89 | Gaharwar Pharma Products
Pvt Ltd./ P V Tone Range Of Products |
P.V tone oil and capsule is an amazing formula |
90 | Sahar S.S. Oil and Powder | S.S Oil& Powder- “To develop organ” – tried by thousands |
91 | Mard Extra Time Vati | Increases sex time
Useful for premature ejaculation. The claims imply that the product is meant for enhancement of sexual pleasure |
92 | Shivam Homeo Clinic | Successful treatment of venereal diseases |
93 | S D Industries / Zosh Range
of Products |
Where there is Zosh there is happiness |
94 | Soliel International Healthcare Products / BT-36 | Gives beautiful thinking and self confidence
A body toner capsule and cream |
95 | Dr. DassansAyurvedic Centre/ Dr
Dassans Re Renal |
Kidney patient saved from dialysis |
96 | Shree Maruti Herbal / Stay On Power Capsule | Love will be seen |
GrassRoot Nutrition Pvt Ltd (NutriValueAloera): The advertisement’s claim, “I started taking Nutrivalue’s aloe vera juice called as Aloera and within a month my energy was back. I have been taking this regularly since then and have had no health issues”, were not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy and are misleading by gross exaggeration and implication that heart conditions requiring angiography can be cured with this product. The claim exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Surya Poultry Farms Pvt Ltd. (Surya Organic Chicken): The advertisement’s claim, “Organic Chicken”, was not substantiated and is misleading by exaggeration.
Uniwaves (Uniwaves Vitamin Water):The advertisement’s claims,“Vitamin B12 water with Alkaline nutrient water”, “Has more than 72 types of health benefits”, “Immune health, beneficial to heart, anti-ageing potential, strengthens bones, boosts energy, stimulates memory, blood formation, controls stress, nourishes DNA, enhances reproductive health”, were inadequately substantiated with any clinical evidence of product efficacy and are misleading by exaggeration, and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Flipbald Health and Wellness – Flipbald Natural Booster and Natural Protein Capsules: The advertisement’s claim (in Hindi) as translated into English, “Increases weight with Guarantee”, accompanied by the FSSAI logo was not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and is misleading by exaggeration and implication that FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement. The efficacy being depicted via visual of before and after the treatment is misleading by gross exaggeration.
Flipbald Health and Wellness (Flipbald De-addiction Powder):The advertisement’s claim, “Say goodbye to addiction permanently,” along with misuse of the FSSAI logo is misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement, and exploits the consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Flipbald Health And Wellness (Flipbald Green Coffee Beans and Forume Oil): The advertisement’s claims, “Most powerful fat burner”, “Increases the basal metabolic rate BMR of our body which minimizes excessive release of glucose from the liver into blood” and “Helps to reduce cellulites or stable fat smoothly and increases progressive weight loss”, accompanied by the FSSAI logo were not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and are misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement, and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge. The efficacies being depicted via visuals of before and after the treatment are misleading by gross exaggeration.
Flipbald Health and Wellness (Flipbald Green Coffee Beans and Forume Oil):The advertisement’s claims (in Hindi) as translated into English, “……… tried everything including medicines, home remedies, Diet and Exercise but nothing worked. Only taking Flipbald Green Coffee bean the weight was reduced …..”, “loss of 23 kilograms in a month easily”, and “Effective, natural and safe method to reduce weight, reduces cellulitis, reduces stubborn fat”, accompanied by the FSSAI logo were not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and are misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement. The testimonial of the person, with efficacy being depicted via visuals of before and after the treatment are misleading by gross exaggeration, and exploitconsumers’ lack of knowledge.
Flipbald Health & Wellness (Flipbald Sexual Problems): The advertisement’s claim (in Hindi) as translated into English, “Treatment of sex problems is possible through Flipbald’s Modern and Vedic method”, accompanied by the FSSAI logo was not substantiated with clinical evidence of treatment/product efficacy, and is misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the treatment/product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement. The advertisement exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge. The claim, “Gives 100% treatment or get money back”, was not substantiated with supporting evidence of the customers who were refunded the money, if they were not given 100% treatment. Flipbald Health and Wellness Product (Flipbald De-addiction Powder):The advertisement’s claims (in Hindi) as translated into English, “quit intoxication”, and “It balances the Dopamine level and gives riddance from every type of addiction”, accompanied by the FSSAI logo were not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and are misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement. The advertisement exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Flipbald Health and Wellness Product (Flipbald De-addiction Powder): The advertisement’s claims that the “Patient got riddance from 15 years of addiction”, and “Completely natural and safe method”, which are grossly misleading and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge. These claims were not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and are misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement.
Flipbald Health and Wellness Product (Flipbald De-addiction Powder): The advertisement’s claims that the “Patients got riddance from chronic intoxication”, “No side effects such as dizziness or vomiting”, and “This Ayurvedic formula is made by thousand year old method which gives freedom in short time from alcohol, drug, tobacco”, which are grossly misleading. The claims were not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy, and are misleading by exaggeration and implication that the FSSAI has approved the product efficacy / claims made in the advertisement.
UNSP-Packaged Rice (Doctor Rice): The advertisement’s claim, as translated into English, “This rice does not increase diabetes”, was not substantiated with evidence of product efficacy. The claim, “Sugar Free Rice”, was not substantiated with any evidence of the ingredients present in the product. The claims are misleading by exaggeration.
Kwality Limited (Kwality Milk): The advertisement’s claim, “Milk with protein ki Shakti” creates an impression that Kwality milk has some fortification or added protein than milk from other sources which lack power of protein. The claim is misleading by ambiguity and implication and exploits the consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Simbhaoli Sugars Ltd – Trust Range of Products (G – Low Sugar):The advertisement’s claims, “Low GI sugar with 100% natural sugarcane extracts” and “it helps keep blood sugar stable”, were inadequately substantiated. The claims are misleading by ambiguity, implication and exaggeration and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Cargill India Pvt Ltd (Leonardo Olive Oil): The advertisement’s claim, “Makes you feel light”, was inadequately substantiated. The claim is misleading by ambiguity and implication and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Cargill India Pvt Ltd (Leonardo Olive Oil):The advertisement’s claim, “Leonardo Cook Oil makes deep fried food healthier”, is misleading by ambiguity and implication. The subject matter of comparison was chosen in such a way as to confer an artificial advantage upon the advertiser. There is likelihood of the consumer being misled as a result of the comparison.
Vimal Oil Food Ltd (Vimal Edible Oil):The advertisement’s claims, “The highest nutrient value” and “Only Vimal cooking oil is made of nutrition retention technology”, were not substantiated with comparative technical data or third party test reports, and are misleading by gross exaggeration.
Shradha Ashram – (Shradha Ashram Herbal Tea): The advertisement’s claim, “Protect from depression, ageing process and fear of diseases”, was not substantiated with clinical evidence of product efficacy, and is misleading by gross exaggeration, and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Adani Wilmar Ltd (Fortune Besan): The advertisement’s claim, “India’s most admired brand”, was not substantiated and it is misleading by ambiguity and omission.
World Champion (Sai KeshariSattu): The advertisement’s claim, “No. 1”, was not substantiated with verifiable comparative data of the advertiser’s product and other competitive products, or any third party validation to prove this claim. The claim is misleading by exaggeration.
Tower Walnuts Dry Fruits (Tower Walnuts):The advertisement’s claims, “Lowers risk of Cancer”, “Health benefits of Tower Walnuts”, “Helps lose weight”, “Helps sleep well”, and “Helps improve and prevent diabetes” are misleading by ambiguity and implication, and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Good Times Ventures India (Just Drink Herbal Energy Drink): The advertisement’s claim, “Source of rich minerals”, was not substantiated with supporting data and is misleading by exaggeration.
TeaOX: The advertisement’s claim, “Prevents Cancer”, was considered to be a medicinal / therapeutic claim and was not substantiated for the advertised product. Hence, the claim is misleading by gross exaggeration and exploits the consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Nandi Agro Initiative Pvt Ltd (Nandi Atta Range): The advertisement’s claims, “Magnesium that controls blood sugar”, “Thiamine that prevents Cancer”, and “Sodium that keeps weight in control”, were considered to be therapeutic claims and were not substantiated for the advertised product. The claims are misleading by gross exaggeration and exploit consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Malabar Food Products (Fruitomans Squash): The advertisement’s claims, “Helpful in preventing heart diseases, blood pressure, joint pains, breast cancer and gland cancer” and “Control cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, joint pains etc.”, were not substantiated. The claims are misleading by implication and exploit the consumers’ lack of knowledge.
Cremica Food Industries (Cremica Mixed Fruit Jam): The advertisement’s claim, “Ranked No.1 – Ranked by Consumer Voice”, was not substantiated with supporting data, and is misleading by ambiguity and omission of the category in which it is ranked No. 1.
Bhaskar Venkatesh Products Pvt Ltd (Bhaskar Salt): The advertisement’s claim, “India’s First Salt that Enhances Taste”, was not substantiated with verifiable comparative data of the advertiser’s product and other competitive products, or any third party validation to prove this claim. The claim is misleading by exaggeration.
Nutricane Beverages Pvt Ltd (OMG Ginger Groove Sugarcane Juice): The advertisement’s claims, “No Added Sugar”, and “Low on calories” are misleading by ambiguity and implication.
Sanzyme Ltd (Nutrus Green Coffee): The advertisement’s claim, “Original probiotic green coffee”, was not substantiated with supporting data and is misleading by exaggeration.
INVENTZ Lifesciences Private Limited (Heads Up Tablet): The advertisement’s claim, “Avoid further hair fall and greying”, was not substantiated with product efficacy data and is misleading by exaggeration.
Pernod Ricard India P. Ltd (Chivas Studio – Win the right way Music CD): The advertisement’s claim “The film signs off with Chivas Studio “Win the rightway” is a surrogate advertisement for the promotion of a liquor product – Chivas Regal and is misleading by implication.
Complaints against advertisements of 21educational institutes listed below are UPHELD mainly because of unsubstantiated claimsAND/ORmisleading claims that they provide 100% placement/placement assistance AND/OR they claim to be the No.1 in their respective fields
Creative Skill Development, Gurukul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Alhind Academy, Antica Maritime Academy, Institute Of Fire Engineering and Safety Management (NIFS), National Small Industries Corporation Limited,National Small Industries Corporation Limited, Network Bull Technologies, Flamingo Air Academy, Flying Cats, Sangam University, ZetAirlink, Aspirant, National Institute of Financial Markets, Indian Institute Office of Management(IIOM), Institute of Design & Technology, Jumbo Jet Aviation Academy, Hindustan Soft Education Ltd – Oxford Software Institute, ParmanandInstitute of Fire Engineering,Institute of Fire Engineering and Safety Management (NIFS) and BicardComputer Education
Laiva Hair Oil: The advertisement’s claims, (in Hindi) as translated into English, “Thick black strong hair within 20 days, stops hair fall”, were not substantiated with product efficacy data and are misleading by gross exaggeration.
Chandra Brothers Medi-Med Pvt Ltd (Chandraboti Fairness Moisturiser): The advertisement’s claim (in Bengali) as translated into English, “Makes skin fairer”, was not substantiated with product efficacy data and is misleading by exaggeration.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8: The advertisement’s claim, “Best Camera Phone”, which was clearly attributed to a review by Hindustan Times, was false, misleading and exploits consumers’ lack of knowledge and is likely to lead to grave or widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers.
Shri Balaji Incense Industries (Balaji Madhu Kunj 100): The advertisement’s claim, “No. 1 Agarbatti”, was not substantiated with verifiable comparative data / market survey data of the advertiser’s product and other competitor products or through a third party validation, and is misleading by exaggeration and implication.
Confident Group (Confident Aquila): The advertisement’s claim, “The best housing brand in Kerala”, was not substantiated with any verifiable comparative data of the advertiser’s housing brand and similar housing brands in Kerala to prove that it is better than the rest, or through an independent third party validation. The claim is misleading by exaggeration and implication.
Reckitt Benckiser Pvt Ltd -India (Mortein): The advertisement’s claim, “100% Faster Dengue Protection”, was inadequately substantiated and is misleading by ambiguity and implication.