Sylvester daCunha, Chairman, daCunha Communications and creator of the ‘Utterly Butterly’ Amul girl, passed away in Mumbai on 21st June. He is survived by his wife Nisha daCunha and son Rahul daCunha.
The Amul ‘Utterly Butterly’ Girl campaign, which holds the record for being the longest-running, was created in 1966 by daCunha in collaboration with his art director, Eustace Fernandes, and with contributions from Dr. Verghese Kurien, known as the Milkman of India.

Recalling the learnings from daCunha, Pawan Singh, GM – Marketing, Amul India, shared a post on Linkedin that read, “It was an honour to have learnt the art of Brand communication and advertising, from Sylvester daCunha over nearly 3 decades. Dacunha once told me that he had designed his famous Amul Cheese boy, brand mascot of Amul Cheese in late 90s – early 2000s, keeping my image in mind, his way of perhaps acknowledging my contributions in building the category.”

Jayen Mehta, I/C Managing Director of GCMMF, expressed his condolences on Twitter, stating, “A doyen of Indian advertising industry who was associated with Amul since 1960s. The Amul family joins in mourning this sad loss.”