Adjust has unveiled Pulse, a monitoring and alerting solution that empowers marketers with essential insights to know when to optimise their mobile campaign performance. Pulse enables marketers to easily create highly customizable alerts and reduce the noise of unhelpful updates so they can immediately focus on what matters.

“The sheer amount of data available and the constant stream of updates mobile marketers have to wade through can be overwhelming when running multiple campaigns simultaneously. It’s easy to miss essential updates amidst all the noise,” said, Katie Madding, Chief Product Officer at Adjust. He added, “Pulse is a direct result of our ongoing dialogue with our customers who want freedom and flexibility to focus on what matters. Pulse is an intuitive, automated solution that gives them the power to do more with less.”

“Pulse is exactly the kind of solution the industry needs,” said, Nicolas Rodriguez, Analytics Manager at Voodoo. “Being alerted quickly and efficiently in the right areas is essential to manage your budget and campaign optimization efforts,” he added.