New Delhi: ABP Majha and ABP Ananda converted to Free to Air nature, bringing the tally to 4 FTA channels under the banner of ABP News Network. ABP News and ABP Asmitawere already FTA in nature and with effect from 8th February 2019, both ABP Majha and ABP Ananda will be available to the viewers without incurring any extra cost.

Taking the FTA route is a propitious proposition that provides a customer centric approach and will prove to be beneficial for every stakeholder involved. This also augurs a new era of a more streamlined broadcasting industry that exhibits transparency and equity amongst the players.
Mr. Avinash Pandey, CEO, ABP News Network said, “TRAI’s new regulations are in sync with the paradigm that cater to the concerns of the consumers and will make the industry more transparent and streamlined bolstering the growth. This regulation will prove to be a boon in the long run heralding greater levels of equilibrium in the industry and amongst the players. ANN is already the industry leader in the news broadcasting sector and with this meticulous move we will further strengthen our prominence and reach.”