Shocked and NUMB!!! I don’t know what to say…. He helped me a lot when I started House of Cheer. He was an amazing human being. A true friend.
I have known Kurien from my days in Delhi when he headed Anthem. And then when we both moved to Mumbai.
His agency Metal designed the trophy and created the fist campaign for the IAA Leadership Awards including the invitations.
Recently he had hosted a lunch for Onam Sadya at his house and his wife Anju had invited us… we couldn’t go as I was unwell. I last met him two months ago when he had a project in mind. He had come over to my office to brainstorm and wanted me to be a part of it.
Buzzing with ideas, totally grounded and fun to be with, I still can’t believe Kurien is no more. It’s all very surreal. He was a foodie like me, loved his drinks, was smart, well spoken and forged very strong relationships. What I loved most about Kurien was his infectious smile.
I hope Anju and the family get the strength to bear this huge loss. The industry has lost yet another dynamic professional who left us too soon.
You will be dearly missed my friend. Rest in peace.

(The author is Founder and MD, House of Cheer Networks.)
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