In the run-up to the 2024 General Elections in India, News 18 Bangla has introduced two new shows: ‘Campus er Compass’ and ‘Cha e Garom’. This initiative aims to highlight the various facets of Bengal’s political landscape while providing viewers with comprehensive insights into the upcoming Lok Sabha Election.
As the nation readies itself for the 2024 general elections, ‘Cha e Garom’ emerges as the embodiment of the common man’s aspirations and grievances. This segment provides an authentic window into the heart of the Bengali voters, offering unfiltered insights into their desires and expectations from political leaders. ‘Cha e Garom’ serves as a vital platform for ordinary citizens to express their hopes for a brighter future.
On the other hand, ‘Campus er Compass’ is an invigorating program that delves deep into the realm of student politics within Bengal’s broader political landscape. This show fervently pursues answers to what the youth of Bengal demand from India’s political leadership. It provides an avenue for the vibrant and dynamic youth of Bengal to articulate their political views and expectations concerning the impending 2024 elections.
Tune in to News18 Bangla for ‘Cha e Garom’ every Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 PM, and ‘Campus er Compass,’ on Saturday and Sunday at 7:45 PM.
(This information is published from a press release.)