‘Comeback’ seems to be the flavour of the season. Following a slew of iconic auto brands making a comeback, came news of Reliance Retail Ventures buying Campa Cola with plans to revive it. While that may be touted as a win-win, we asked stakeholders which brands they would like to see relaunched, and why.
Doordarshan ‘Classic’!

Doordarshan at one time provided superlative entertainment. Many of those serials are well remembered. I wish DD comes back as ‘DD Classic’ with remastered versions of their shows like Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi, Malgudi Days, Discovery of India, Buniyaad, Nukkad, Karamchand and more!
– Ambi Parameswaran, Brand Coach, Brand Strategist, and Founder Brand-Building.com
‘TikTok will bring content marketplace alive’

While it may not be a legacy brand , in fact far from it, the one brand that needs to make an emphatic comeback in India is ‘TikTok’. In an era of universal digital pluralism, we need to let brands and services compete on merits of their saliency to audiences, rather than geo-political expediency. When various short video UGC platforms such as Moj/ Josh/ Chingari/ Taka tak etc. can freely offer their services, while being compliant to Indian laws, TikTok should be able to do that too. It is still a global major app and worldwide hit with marketers appealing to a whole new generation of consumers. And a ‘rebirth’ of TikTok will surely bring the content marketplace alive with fireworks!
– Pradeep Dwivedi, CEO, Eros Media World.
The Zing Thing!

It would be great to have Gold Spot also back, as we miss ‘the zing thing’! I don’t think there is any other drink with that kind of taste in the market and I am sure young and old will love to have a Gold Spot kind of flavour. It really was a unique flavour and was one of the most popular non-cola drinks in the ’90s. I don’t think any drink which came post Gold Spot could get that flavour right. So I think the golden days of Gold Spot should be revived! We want the zing back!
– Megha Tata, President, IAA- India Chapter
Bring back the legend…

Favre-Leuba is the second oldest watch brand in the world. The brand was launched in 1737, which makes it a 285-year old brand. The reason why I want the brand to come back is because it has a very strong India connection. It was one of the Swiss watch brands that came to India during the East India Company period. Many wealthy Indians used to be spotted with Favre-Leuba watches. It was very popular at one point of time. Unfortunately, it had a very chequered history. Later, the brand was acquired by Titan which ran it for a few years before it was discontinued.
– Mitrajit Bhattacharya, Independent Consultant and Content Producer
Timekeeper of the Nation!

For many of us in my generation, a watch meant a HMT. They were hardy, kept accurate time and were quite fashionable too. The automatic watch version was indeed a coveted possession!
– SK Swamy, Chairman, RK Swamy Hansa Group

Made in India & Made for India. Simple, elegant and yet a classic watch for every Indian. Quality par excellence, was literally the timekeeper of our nation (so ahead of its time).
– Rana Barua, Group CEO, Havas Group India