Mumbai: Having closed 2021 on a strong positive note, advertising volumes for television continued to stay stable in the first quarter of 2022 with a total of 443 million seconds across all channels. In comparison to the previous 2 years, Q1 2022 was almost at par with Q1 2021 and Q1 2022 registered a 20% increase in Ad Volumes over Q1 2020. March 2022 also registered the highest Ad Volumes for the year with 154 million seconds.

Aaditya Pathak, Head – Client Partnership & Revenue Function, BARC India said, “Q1 2022 was a strong opening quarter for the year given the upward growth in January, February and March 2022. The number of advertisers and brands that continued to engage with television viewers, is also higher in Q1 2022 over Q1 2021. Televisions consistent growth in ad volumes in the first quarter of 2022 reaffirms the reach of the medium.”
With 4259, the total number of advertisers on TV in the quarter was higher if compared to the same period in 2021. 49% of the advertisers in this period were either new or returning advertisers on television and January 2022 registered the highest number of advertisers for the quarter with 2769 advertisers.
The Next 40 advertisers beyond the Top 10 were 36% higher in Q1 2022 than in Q1 2020. Ad Volumes for categories like Corporate Brand Image, Telecom Products and Education have grown exponentially over Q1 2021. Ad Volumes for Ecommerce grew by 40% in Q1 2022, compared to Q1 2021.
While the number of advertisers for Personal Accessories has seen the highest growth of 17% over Q1 2021, Ecommerce category increased by a significant 58% in Q1 2022 over Q1 2020. At 64%, the Education category had the highest share of New & Returning Advertisers in Q1 2022.
Tamil language channels have the highest share of Exclusive Advertisers at 54% and Hindi has highest share of New & Returning Advertisers at 48%.