New Delhi: Joblessness (Unemployment) is the top concern of Urban Indians in October 2021.
For global citizens their top worry is of Poverty and Social Inequality.
Interestingly, concern around COVID19 has receded both for global citizens and Urban Indians. It sat on top as the top worry of global citizens (28 markets including India) for 18 months!
So, what worries Urban Indians? And global citizens?
Top concerns of Urban Indians included, unemployment (42%), coronavirus (35%), financial &political corruption (30%), poverty and social inequality (26%), crime and violence (24%), education (20%), among others.
For global citizens, the top concerns included, poverty and social inequality (33%), unemployment (30%), coronavirus (29%), financial and political corruption (29%), crime and violence (27%), etc.

“Our biggest issue is of joblessness and it remains a major area of concern for most Urban Indians. Job creation and job openings need to keep pace with expectations. Right now, there is a disconnect. But there is this happy tiding in the form of worry around the coronavirus receding which could lead to more return to normalcy and for the job market to look up. Graft and social inequalityare other concerns for citizens,” said Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos India.
Countries in right direction; on wrong track
The survey shows that majority of Urban Indians (68%) believe India is moving in the right direction. India is 2nd in pecking order in optimism, Saudi Arabia remains most optimistic (83%).
Global citizens stay circumspect with 64% believing their country is on wrong track. And the markets most downbeat were of Colombia (90%), Peru (83%) and Argentina (82%).
“The biggest upside of Urban Indians is their never say die attitude. Despite the worries and hardships, they always believe the tide will turn, and it does. They do not give up mid-way,” added Adarkar.