Mumbai: SBI has recently launched #KhushiyanOnEMI campaign to promote its EMI through Debit Card facility. Through this facility consumer can make high ticket purchases like new durables, electronics or even jewellery items and convert them to easy monthly instalments, without causing much dent to their finances. Facilities like these were previously only available through credit cards, consumer durable loans or personal loans, which involved longer processes and stringent financial background check, which made it impossible for a section of the population of afford them. With #SBIDebitCardEMI consumers can get Pre-approved Loans with NO Documentation and KYC Verification. Bringing this facility on a Debit Card makes it easier and instantaneous for a whole new set of consumers of SBI.

Speaking about the film, Pramod Sharma, ECD & Mumbai Creative Head, Rediffusion Brand Solutions said, “What happens when you have the power of EMIs on your Debit Card? Buying things for loved ones becomes easier than ever. Through three quirky films we have tried to established this fact. SBI is a client that gives your creativity a broad canvas. You have to just paint your best picture. As an agency we have tried our best to do that.”
Initially the films have been released on the digital platform but soon these will be taken to the television to ensure greater reach amongst the intended target group.
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